Course of Study in Building Engineering Architecture

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    Master students involved in the final research; PhD sandwich; Post Doc


Department of Construction, Civil Engineering and Architecture

Main research activities/topics/projects

Upon evaluation of the request, research activities (PhD) and master theses (Master students) are possible in all fields related to building engineering and architecture. Particularly, but not only, the Course of Study focuses on all the aspects of conservation, transformation and enhancement of built heritage and historic centres, as well as on old structures and monuments, exploring the different disciplinary dimensions to produce technological innovation and contribute to the enhancement of life and society.

The course is devoted to the education of a cultivated and versatile designer engineer, who is capable of a synergic synthesis among different skills. He is an expert builder with a wide knowledge spectrum and he is able to control the entire building process, from analysis, to conceptual design, to building construction and management. The master degree is recognized in Europe and it is the only degree that gives the opportunity to apply to the national exams of both engineering and architecture careers, as well as to operate in all European Union countries. 

The graduates in Building Engineering Architecture are operating in the fields of architecture, planning and construction, in real estate appraisal company and cultural and creative companies.

For more information about the professional profile and therefore about the research opportunities in our course of study, please visit the website mentioned below. We would be pleased to welcome Master Students that are willing to graduate in one of these fields.

Also, we have several international contacts with Brazil and South America  that we would like to strengthen.

Connected to the Course of Study there are several research groups working in all related scientific fields of engineering and architecture. More information can be found on the DICEA Department’s website (see below).

Upon agreement on the research topics, we are open to accept both Master students and PhD students for a research period abroad.

Duration in months (min-max)

Master Research: 1-TBD

PhD sandwich: 1-TBD

Post Doc: 1-TBD


Main scientific contact person

Prof. Arch. Maddalena Ferretti (President of the Course of Study)

+39 347 6063197

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Other scientific contact persons of the same group

Prof. Gianluigi Mondaini (Responsible for the Architecture Section of the Department)

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