Here is a list of selected publications by the group, covering a wide range of topics in distributed systems.
Feraudo A.; Calvio A.; Bujari A.; Bellavista P., A Novel Design for Advanced 5G Deployment Environments with Virtualized Resources at Vehicular and MEC Nodes, in: 2023 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, IEEE, 2023, pp. 97 - 103 (atti di: 2023 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Istanbul, Turkey, 26-28 April 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Feraudo A.; Calvio A.; Bellavista P., A Novel OMNeT++-Based Simulation Tool for Vehicular Cloud Computing in ETSI MEC-Compliant 5G Environments, in: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications SIMULTECH., 2023, 1, pp. 448 - 455 (atti di: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications SIMULTECH, Rome, Italy, 12-14 July) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Al Jawarneh, Isam Mashhour; Foschini, Luca; Bellavista, Paolo, Efficient Integration of Heterogeneous Mobility-Pollution Big Data for Joint Analytics at Scale with QoS Guarantees, «FUTURE INTERNET», 2023, 15, pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article] Open Access
Rojo, J; García-Alonso, J; Berrocal, J; Foschini, L; Bellavista, P; Hernández, J; Murillo, JM, Blockchains' federation: Developing Personal Health Trajectory-centered health systems, in: Proceedings of 2023 IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing Workshops (CCGridW), New York, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2023, pp. 81 - 88 (atti di: 2023 IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing Workshops (CCGridW), Bangalore, India, May 1-4, 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Qaisar, Muhammad Umar Farooq; Yuan, Weijie; Bellavista, Paolo; Chaudhry, Shehzad Ashraf; Ahmed, Adeel; Imran, Muhammad, Reliable and Resilient Communication in Duty Cycled Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshops, 2023, New York, IEEE, 2023, pp. 397 - 402 (atti di: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshops, 2023, May 28 - June 1, 2023, Rome, Italy) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Bellavista, Paolo; Bicocchi, Nicola; Fogli, Mattia; Giannelli, Carlo; Mamei, Marco; Picone, Marco, Measuring Digital Twin Entanglement in Industrial Internet of Things, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2023, New York, IEEE, 2023, pp. 5897 - 5903 (atti di: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2023, Rome, Italy, May 28 - June 1, 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Herrera, Juan Luis; Galán-Jiménez, Jaime; Bellavista, Paolo; Foschini, Luca; Garcia-Alonso, Jose; Murillo, Juan M.; Berrocal, Javier, Multi-Objective Optimal Deployment of SDN-Fog Infrastructures and IoT Applications, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2023, 2023, pp. 5904 - 5909 (atti di: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2023, Rome, Italy, May 28 - June 1, 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Di Modica, Giuseppe; Galletta, Antonino; Carnevale, Lorenzo; Alkhansa, Ahmad; Costantini, Alessandro; Cesini, Daniele; Bellavista, Paolo; Villari, Massimo, Orchestration of Containerized Applications in the Cloud Continuum, in: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications - Workshops (PerCom 2023), New York, IEEE, 2023, pp. 44 - 49 (atti di: 21st International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2023) - Workshops, Atlanta, USA, March 13-17, 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Manca, Lorenzo; Borsatti, Davide; Poltronieri, Filippo; Zaccarini, Mattia; Scotece, Domenico; Davoli, Gianluca; Foschini, Luca; Grabarnik, Genady Ya.; Shwartz, Larisa; Stefanelli, Cesare; Tortonesi, Mauro; Cerroni, Walter, Characterization of Microservice Response Time in Kubernetes: A Mixture Density Network Approach, in: Proc. of 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2023), IEEE, «INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT», 2023, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2023), Niagara Falls, Canada, 30 October 2023 - 02 November 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Al Jawarneh, Isam Mashhour; Foschini, Luca; Bellavista, Paolo, Polygon Simplification for the Efficient Approximate Analytics of Georeferenced Big Data, «SENSORS», 2023, 23, pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article] Open Access