Memory, Population, and Climate

Historical photographs documenting the impact of extreme climatic events on Emilia-Romagna and the resilience of communities facing environmental challenges.

  • Breach of the Reno River

    Casalecchio di Reno. Breach of the Reno River. Restoration of the embankments. By: Cassarini, Alessandro. Fondo Miscellanea Bologna 800, 1893 - 1894

  • Sesto Imolese. Flood and breach of the Sillaro River embankment

    Sesto Imolese. Flood and breach of the Sillaro River embankment. By: Enrico Pasquali. Fondo Miscellanea Bologna 900. Property: Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna

  • Flood. Repair of the Sillaro embankment

    Province of Bologna. Flood. Repair of the Sillaro River embankment. By: Enrico Pasquali. Fondo Miscellanea Bologna 900, 19 September 1972.