Primary school in Ravenna
Il cervello… una macchina meravigliosa
Secondary school in Bologna
Il cervello, questo sconosciuto
High school in Bologna
Potenza di una Lamborghini e consumo di uno scooter: le meraviglie del cervello
Via Zamboni, Bologna
The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event, which aims to bring research closer to the public, increase the interest of young people in science and showcase the impact of researchers’ work on people’s daily lives.
Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna
Sala Rossa - via Marsala 26, Bologna
Kick-Off meeting – ALMA-AI Humanistic AI, Title: “Prediction of static and perturbed reach goals from movement kinematics"
Online event
Application-inspired research enabling natural and enhanced vision
Online event
ALMA-AI Kick-Off Workshop sui Fondamenti dell’Intelligenza Artificiale. Title: "Brain-derived signals for Human-centric AI"
Online event
Visuomotor learning from postdictive motor error
Online event
Posterior parietal cortex: action encoding and decoding
Online event
Online event
Ist Workshop AI for Health and Well-being organized by ALMA RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN-CENTERED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (ALMA AI), Title: “Multifunctional, adaptive and interactive AI system for acting in multiple contexts”