
Logical English

Logical English (LE) is syntactic sugar for logic programs, which are collections of facts and rules of the form conclusion if conditions. We focus on legal applications of LE and the use of meta- (or higher-order) predicates to represent propositional attitudes, such as permission, obligation, notification of a message and designation of the occurrence of an event.

CrossJustice Reasoning Tool

The aim of this tool is to assist users in determining the procedural rights granted to suspect or accused persons with regard to the relevant European Directives and national legislation.


Arg2P is a lightweight implementation of the ASPIC+-like system for structured argumentation.
In a nutshell, arguments are produced from a set of defeasible rules, and attack relationships between arguments are captured by argumentation graphs. The arguments of such graphs are labelled by following a labelling semantics. This simple framework will suffice to illustrate our upcoming investigation into persuasive burdens within an argumentation setting.


Claudette is an Automated Detector of Potentially Unfair Clauses. The idea behind this tool is to empower consumers and civil society by ultimately creating a user-end tool enabling everyone to quickly assess fairness of consumer contracts and privacy policies one has to accept before using online platforms.

InterLex Reasoning Tool

The Reasoning Tool is an interactive system that offers users automated assistance, according the relevant rules of legislation and case law, to determine jurisdiction and/or applicable law in a specific law case in civil and commercial matters involving an international element.