LCA, Eco-design and Energy Saving

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


This storyline provides knowledge on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), eco-design and on technologies for electric energy efficiency. It presents the topics of ecoefficiency, awareness on substances utilization in production systems, analyses methods of implementing water, the integration of renewable energy sources in industrial environment and the use of photovoltaics (PV).

1. Introduction to Ecodesign and LCA
2. Energy management in the era of energy transition
3. Circular Economy and Secondary Raw Materials
4. Efficient use of energy resources for the industry of the future
5. Circular economy - Introduction to water resources and water sustainable treatment
6. Recovery and recycling of company waste water
7. Methods for the implementation of water resources
8. Zero cost and zero impact phytodepuration basin to treat wastewater and make it suitable for discharge into the environment
9. Ecoefficiency and awareness on substances utilization and compliance with EU regulations
10. Monitoring and control of materials and chemicals complying to the latest RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment) and REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) EU Regulations
11. Technologies to improve electric energy efficiency
12. Energy production from renewables
13. Feasibility study of a photovoltaic plant for an industrial site connected with the grid through PVGIS, popular software used for design of PV systems
14. EVO Plant: case study of Bonfiglioli Bologna
15. LCA, Eco-design and Energy Saving – Final Assessment