CIRSFID - ALMA AI, University of Bologna - In presence and online event
Il ciclo di conferenze si articola in cinque incontri (online e in presenza a Bologna), ognuno dei quali sarà dedicato ad un protagonista dello sviluppo dell'Informatica giuridica in Italia.
CIRSFID - ALMA AI, University of Bologna - In presence and online event
Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti e Pescara - Online event
As part of a cycle of seminars, Prof. Giovanni Sartor delves into the theme "Algoritmi e discriminazione".
University of Trento - Online event
The principle of fairness, together with transparency and AI explainability, is considered as the guiding landmark of the current EU regulatory policy towards AI. Dr. Francesca Lagioia delves into this debate from two different perspectives.
Chiba University - Online event
Prof. Ugo Pagallo argues about the topic “Is it possible for AI to be fair? On principles,context-dependency and legal governance”
University of Turin - Online event
Dr. Paola Aurucci delves into the topic "Artificial Intelligence and Contracts: Reflections about Dispute Resolution"
Amsterdam Centre for European Studies - Online event
Prof. Ugo Pagallo debates about the topic “Value design in digital architectures”
University of Turin - Online event
Dr. Alessandra Teresa Cignarella delves into the topic "Linguistica computazionale: nozioni di base"
AREA Science Park Trieste - Online event
Dr. Ludovica Paseri delves into the topic "Protection of personal data in High Performance Computing platforms for scientific research purposes”
Online event
Prof. Ugo Pagallo delves about the topic "The Future of AI and the Society of the Future: Law, Ethics, and the Governance of AI”
University of Pavia - Online event
Dr. Carlotta De Menech and Dr. Giulia Pinotti delves into the topic "La pseudo-anonimizzazione del materiale giuridico: un problema aperto”
University of Bologna - Online event
Prof. Giovanni Sartor delves into the topic "The right to explanation in the GDPR"