Past programs

Brains-in, PhD@ISA and International PhD College

Launched in 2006 with the aim to foster internationalization of UniBo PhD programs

A multidisciplinary community of international PhD students

The International PhD College was a community of international PhD students from different study and research areas. PhD students joining the International PhD College integrated the research activity required by their PhD programmes with interdisciplinary and international training and “coworking” activities on crosscutting themes, carried out in small groups.

The successful candidates were hosted in the International PhD College Residence for the entire duration of PhD programme. This benefit was annually renewed on the basis of an assessment by the ISA Academic Board.

The International PhD College program originates from the experience of the Brain-in and PhD@ISA scheme launched in 2006 and reserved to particularly brilliant and motivated international PhD students. In over 14 years these projects  brought to the Institute approximately 50 international PhD students. 


An initiative of NetIAS - Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study

International mobility program proposed by NetIAS and supported by the European Union

EURIAS Fellowship program offered a 10-months residencies -  mainly in the Humanities and Social Sciences - in 19 European Cities. 

Our Institute hosted the following EURIAS Fellows: 

Research project  -  "The Art of Controlled Accident":  Towards a Reappraisal of Corporeal Cinematography in Films on Trance and Spirit. Possession in the 1940s-1960s"

Research project - "The Electoral Politics of the Early Modern Papacy, 1450-1700"

Research project - "Self-fertilization as a mechanism for population maintenance in a changing environment"

Research project - "Newton and causation"

Researh project - "PROCLINOMICS - Unravelling prognostic markers in complex diseases using clinical and omics data"

Research project - "Staging the empire: Italian Opera Seria at the Russian Imperial Court of Empress Elisabeth (1741-1762)"

Researh project - "Italian Cavalrymen and Knights in the Age of Machines. Myths and Images of Men on Horses in 20th-Century Italy"

Research project - "Regeneration and Difference: Migration, Agriculture and Sustainability in the Mediterranean"

Research project - "Human-environment Interactions in the Nile Valley between 75,000 and 15,000 Years ago in the Context of Modern Human Dispersals"

Research project - "When do Italian Youth Discriminate against Immigrants? The Role of Cross-Group Friendships, Tolerance & Xenophobia