
Marco Di Felice

Associate Professor

Marco Di Felice received his Bachelor Degree (summa cum Laude) and Master Degree (summa cum Laude) in Computer Science respectively in 2002 and 2004, both from the University of Bologna, Italy. From August 2007 to December 2007 and April 2008 to August 2008 he was a visiting researcher in the Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engeneering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.  From September to December 2009, he was a visiting researcher at the Northeastern University, Boston, USA. Since October 2015, he is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna. He authored more than 100 international Journal and Conference Publications on Wireless and Mobile systems, protocols, modeling and simulation.  He joint the following national and European research projects: PRIN 2006 NADIR, PRIN 2009 STEM-NET, ARTEMIS Internet-of-Energy (IoE), ARTEMIS Arrowhead, H2020 EU-BR SWAMP, Artemis Arrow-head Tools, AlmaIdea Senior BEE-DRONES (Principal Investigator) BRIC 2018 MAC4PRO (WP Leader) He supervised more than 80 master's and bachelor's thesis for the Degree on Computer Science and on Business Informatics at the University of Bologna. In 2019, he is teaching the following courses: Database systems (bachelor degree on Business Informatics), Context-aware systems (Master degree on Computer Science), Internet of Things (Master degree on Computer Science). In 2018 and 2019, he covered the module on "Next Generation ICT systems" for the Master on Digital Technology Management (Bologna Business School). His recent research interests include: robotic wireless networks and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Web of Things (IoT), self-organizing wireless systems and Device-to-Device (D2D) communication, data analytics and mining, context-aware and mobile computing, indoor localization and mobile services.

Luciano Bononi

Associate Professor

Dr. Luciano Bononi received the laurea degree (Summa cum laude) in Computer Science in 1997, and a PhD degree in Computer Science in 2002, both from the University of Bologna, Italy.  In July-October 1997 he cooperated with National Research Council (CNR) Institute CNUCE in Pisa, Italy, on simulation of wireless network protocols. In 2000 he was a visiting researcher at the ImageLab of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of California at Los Angeles. In March-September 2002 he was a postdoc researcher at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Bologna, since October 2002 he was an Assistant Professor (Senior Researcher in 2005), and from April 2011 he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna, Italy. In April 2012 he was elected as one of the 3 representative members of the technological area in the Academic Senate of the University of Bologna. His research activity includes: Wireless and Mobile Systems' protocols and architectures, Internet of Things, Mobile Applications, Smart Energy Systems, Smart Mobility. Multiple experimentations of wireless testbeds and innovative system and service architectures have been performed leading to implementation of prototypes. He has co-authored more than 140 papers receiving 4 best paper awards. He is currently teaching the classes of 11145 - COMPUTER NETWORKS, 81683 - INTERNET OF THINGS, 66860 - MOBILE APPLICATIONS LAB, 77808 - WIRELESS SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS.

Angelo Trotta

Post-doc Research Fellow

Angelo Trotta received his Master Degree (summa cum Laude) in Computer Science in 2011, from the University of Bologna, Italy. From October 2012 to October 2013 he was a Research Associate for the italian PRIN 2009 project "STEM-Net" working on the study, modelling and simulation of cognitive radio technologies and self-organizing wireless networks. In May 2017 he received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy. In 2015-2016, he was a visiting researcher at the Heudiasyc Laboratory, Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Compiègne, France. Currently he is a post-doc Research Fellow at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy, working on nature-inspired algorithms for self-organizing multi-robots wireless systems.

Federico Montori

Post-doc Research Fellow

Research Fellow at the University of Bologna since 2019, focuses his research activities in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT). His research topics deal primarily with service-oriented IoT architectures, distributed systems for the collaborative IoT, integration of different wireless technologies and Cloud and Fog Computing. Currently his research interest include the crowdsensing for environmental and urban monitoring and heterogeneous IoT data analytics. Involved in many European research projects, collaborates with several international institutes, among which Luleå Technical University and Swinburne university of Technology.

Luca Sciullo

PhD Student

Luca Sciullo is a PhD student in Computer Science at at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna. His research activity addresses the design, analysis and performance evaluation of technologies, protocols, and systems for the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Web of Things (WoT), mainly focusing on problems like Energy Consumption, Dissemination algorithms, and Interoperability.