The ImprovEUorGlobe research team welcomes original proposals investigating how the new generations of EU free trade agreements, the autonomous EU sustainability measures (e.g. the proposed due diligence directive, CBAM and deforestation regulations) and, more generally, the activity of the EU in multilateral fora, as the WTO, or in international conferences for the update and revisions of strategic sustainability treaties, are fit for advancing the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda.

Submissions can consider how the EU, by negotiating and implementing trade agreements, designing incentives for developing countries, acting in international fora and organizations, and shaping other trade and development tools and policies, has been able or plans to promote:

· social justice;

· respect for human rights;

· high labour standards;

· protection and promotion of indigenous peoples and minorities rights;

· high environmental standards;

· preservation of biodiversity;

· transparency and participation in international decision making and management, also at domestic level.

This list is not exhaustive and further subjects are welcome within the overall theme of the call.

The ImprovEUorGlobe Call for Papers is reserved to PhD candidates, post-doc and young researchers from all the 11 Una Europa Universities. 

Paper Submission Procedure

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Final Conference

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