Participation in the conferences




  • Baiamonte G. Runoff coefficients to predict peak discharge at hillslope scale: A small contribution to theoretical hydrology. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna (Austria), 8-13 April 2018.
  • Baiamonte G., Alagna V., La Bella S., Iovino M. Combining pressure transducer and tipping bucket rain gauge to measure high variable runoff rate collected from a green roof. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna (Austria), 8-13 April 2018.
  • Dal Ferro N., Gandini M., Maucieri C., Borin M. Performance of a pilot-scale wall cascade constructed wetland treating kitchen greywater. World Water Congress, Tokyo (Japan), 16-21 Septembre 2018.
  • Lavrnić S., Alagna V., Iovino M., Anconelli S., Solimando D., Toscano A. Hydrological and hydraulic characterisation of a surface flow constructed wetland treating agricultural drainage water in Northern Italy. 16th IWA International conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Valencia (Spain), 1-4 October 2018.
  • Lavrnić S., Borin M., Cirelli G.L., Iovino M., Zimbone S.M., Toscano A. Green infrastructures for management and protection of water resources in Italy: the project Green4Water. 16th IWA International conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Valencia (Spain), 1-4 October 2018.
  • Licciardello F., Aiello R., Alagna V., Iovino M., Ventura D., Cirelli G.L. Assessment of clogging in constructed wetlands by saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements. 16th IWA International conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Valencia (Spain), 1-4 October 2018.
  • Milani M., Cirelli G.L., Caggia C., Randazzo C., Rapisarda R., Vanella D., Ventura D. Potenzialità applicative di substrati innovativi in impianti di fitodepurazione. ECOMONDO, Rimini (Italy), 6-9 November 2018.




  • Tolomio M., Dal Ferro N., Zanin G., Bortoloni l., Maucieri C., Borin M. Pilot green infrastructures for sustainable water management at Agripolis campus (north-eastern Italy): preliminary results. I Convegno AISSA #under40, San Donà di Piave (Italy), 16-17 May 2019.
  • Nan X., Lavrnić S., Anconelli S., Solimando D., Toscano A. Monitoring of a full-scale surface flow constructed wetland for treatment of agricultural drainage water in Italy. 8th International Symposium on Wetland Pollution Dynamics and Control, Aarhus (Denmark), 17-21 June 2019.
  • Gugliuzza G., Verduci A., Iovino M. Water retention characteristics of by-products growth substrates for ornamental plant production. III International Symposium on Growing Media, Composting and Substrate Analysis, Milan (Italy), 24-28 June 2019.
  • Iovino M., La Bella S. Sistemi a verde per la regolazione delle acque meteoriche in ambiente mediterraneo. Il  verde tecnologico a servizio dell’urbanistica, Palermo (Italy), 18 July 2019.
  • Alagna V., Bagarello V., Di Prima S., Giordano G., Iovino M. Evaluation of green roof ageing effects on substrate hydraulic characteristics. AIIA Mid-Term Conference, Matera (Italy), 12-13 September 2019.
  • Lavrnić S., Nan X., Anconelli S., Solimando D., Toscano A. Removal efficiencies of a surface flow constructed wetland treating agricultural drainage water - a case study from Emilia-Romagna. AIIA Mid-Term Conference, Matera (Italy), 12-13 Septembre 2019.

  • Lavrnić S., Nan X., Blasioli S., Braschi I., Anconelli S., Solimando D., Toscano A. Performance Assessment of a Constructed Wetland Treating Agricultural Drainage Water After a Decade of Operation.11th Eastern European IWA YWP Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), 1-5 October 2019.