A cura di "Commissione europea: European Data and related services unit, Publications Office of the European Union"
Data: 18 MAGGIO 2024 dalle 11:30 alle 12:30
Luogo: CAMPUS – TEACHING HUB – Aula 10 - 1° Piano - Viale Filippo Corridoni 20
Tipo: Election track
Trustworthy data and information can help to understand our world and take informed decisions. Curious to know how the power of data can better prepare you for the upcoming European elections? Do you want to find out how the EU works and what it does?
Join the data.europa.eu workshop to discover why data is vital in today’s world and explore how it can directly benefit you. You will also learn more about how the EU works and what It’s doing!
Aula 10, Teaching Hub, Viale Filippo Corridoni 20 – Forlì