The work's progress related to the second and third outputs of the project (O2, O3) will be monitored. The strategies for dissemination of results; the new web site content; the budget; the evaluation results; the learning and teaching activity planned for 2022 will be presented and discussed.
In the final meeting the work done so far for the third output of the project (O3) will be monitored. What still remains to realize this goal of the project will be discussed. The Brescia Summer School (June 2022), the effectiveness of the dissemination strategies of the results, the budget, the results of the evaluations and the strategies for disseminate the materials developed by the EULALIA project to an ever wider audience will be discussed.
Multiplier Events are national and transnational conferences, seminars and other events organised with the purpose of disseminating the intellectual outputs produced by the project.
Europa Latina: the tools of the EULALIA project to certify competences in Latin (Basic Level). Speakers will include Ivano Dionigi (former Rector of the University of Bologna), Mario De Nonno (President of the University Council for Latin Studies) and Paolo D'Alessandro (University of Roma Tre), scientific director of the journal "Latinitas", published by the "Pontificia Academia Latinitatis"
Novità nella certificazione delle lingue antiche in Emilia Romagna e in Europa: le proposte di EULALIA per il livello di Base (Bologna, 29th october 2021)
The Eulalia team meets teachers to present the new features of ancient languages certification and Eulalia's tools for the basic level. Talks by Lucia Pasetti, Massimo Magnani, Pietro Rosa and Ilaria Torzi.
EULALIA y la certificación lingüística del latín. Speeches by L. PASETTI, A. ANDRÉS, D. PANIAGUA, R. MARIÑO, C. CODOÑER, C. CANALES, J. DE LA VILLA. Quien no pueda asistir al encuentro presencialmente podrá hacerlo a través de Zoom, inscribiéndose previamente a través del enlace debajo.
Europa Latina III : le projet EULALIA – mise en place d’une certification européenne pour la langue latine. EULALIA O2: European Latin Language Certification Basic Level: multimedia practical tools