Aula Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore, 45 - Bologna (BO)
Prof. Sergio Fabbrini (Luiss Guido Carli University) presents a reflection starting from his latest book "A Federalist Alternative for European Governance".
Aula Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore, 45 - Bologna (BO)
Editors of the recent "Annual Review of the European Union 2023" by Journal of Common Market Studies (2025) will present the publication, with an intervention of the authors involved.
Aula Jemolo, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore, 45
Seminar on the latest changes in the European CSDP and the role played by the European Parliament. Guest lecturer: Dr. Gerrard Quille, Head of Unit in the Secretariat of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense of the European Parliament. The seminar is moderated by Prof. Elena Baracani.
Aula Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore, 45
Seminar on the inter-institutional relations between the European Council and the European Parliament with Dr. Ralf Drachenberg, policy analyst and researcher at the European Parliament Research Service, Brussels (EPRS). Moderated by Prof. Elena Baracani.
Aula Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore, 45
Conferenza in vista delle Elezioni Europee 2024, intervengono: Elena Baracani (UniBo), Sara Bertolli (Gioventù federalista Europea), Alessandra Moretti (S&D), Elisabetta Gualmini (S&D), Alessandra Basso (ID) e Sabrina Pignedoli (NI). Modera: Roberto Castaldi (Direttore Euractiv Italia).
Aula Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore, 45 - In presence and online event
Seminar with Matti Maasikas, EU Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine (online). Chair: Prof. Pina Lalli (online), Discussant: Prof. Elena Baracani.
Aula Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore, 45 - In presence and online event
Seminar with Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Chair of the LIBE Commitee of the European Parliament (online). Chair: Prof. Pina Lalli (online), Discussant: Prof. Elena Baracani.
Aula Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore, 45 - only in presence - In presence and online event
Seminar with Antonio Parenti, Head of the European Commission Representation in Italy. Chair: Prof. Massimiliano Trentin, Discussant: Prof. Elena Baracani.
Aula 2, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore, 45
Sala Poeti, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna
Aula Ruffilli, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore, 45 - In presence and online event
Seminar with Professor Roberto Castaldi, Director of CesUE/Euractiv Italia
Aula 6, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna