The project aims to develop a joint innovative collaborative platform on “EU-Asia Politics and Markets Studies” among UNIBO, AGU, KU, and TU strengthening their institutional relations thanks to a common project.
Specifically, the project has an impact on three different actors:
Firstly, the project aims at the improvement of the academic interdisciplinary knowledge exchange on “EU-Asia Politics and Markets Studies.” Despite its innovative character, this topic is not taken into adequate consideration by partner institutions. At the moment, UNIBO does not offer programs having a specific focus on preparing students in analyzing Asian markets in a multidisciplinary perspective, allowing them to understand this sector’s complex dynamics involving international politics and economics. At the same time, AGU, KU and TU do not offer programs focusing on EU markets. This project aims at filling this gap by creating ad-hoc teaching and learning activities.
Secondly, this project aims to the enhancement of teaching staff skills in using different methodological tools to disseminate their knowledge on a specific topic. In order to combine multidisciplinary know-hows from different geographical areas, this project organizes international mobility opportunities, a Winter School and a Student Conference. These activities are connected thanks to the creation an innovative online platform managed by the project team of professors, researchers and Ph.D. students gathering all project outputs guaranteeing their dissemination and exploitation.
Lastly, the project fosters the students’ ability to analyze the political and economic relations between EU and Asia critically. Thanks to this project, UNIBO students will have the opportunity to analyze this specific phenomenon, interacting with Korean and Japanese students and teaching staff. At the same time, the project gives Korean and Japanese students the opportunity to study EU politics and markets from a EU perspective. The mirroring of these different perspectives allows students to deepen their critical and analytical skills. Moreover, by consenting BA and MA Students to present a poster in an international conference, this project aims at enhancing their skills in term of independent research and academic writing. Finally, the project is also paying particular attention to PhD students, by providing an invaluable opportunity to the establishment of international connections among peers.