WP1 - Preparation

WP Leaders

University of Bologna (Italy) and National University of Management (Cambodia)


General aims

The aim of WP1 is to carry out all the necessary preparatory actions before the development phase of the project, meaning:

  • a complete mapping of the status of student engagement in ASEAN, to make sure that all project target groups are fully included in project activities according to their needs;
  • development of a glossary on student engagement to make sure that all the partner have the necessary theoretical knowledge to carry out project activities;
  • creation of Student Engagement Centers in each partner University to allow the direct participation of students in project activities;
  • open a table of discussion with all the Ministries involved in the project to make sure that we fully collaborate in achieving project outcomes.


WP Activities

  • 1.1 Collection of target groups needs 

  • 1.2 Mapping report validated

  • 1.3 Drafting of a Glossary 

  • 1.4 Plan for Student Engagement Centre drafted and presented 

  • 1.5 Student Engagement Centre opened 

  • 1.6 Inter-ministerial Workshop organized