
  • Thick locally resonant wave barriers for train-induced vibration mitigation

  • Thick locally resonant wave barrier for surface Rayleigh waves

  • Waveguiding of Rayleigh waves via thick LRM coupled to elastic metasurfaces

  • Thick locally resonant wave barrier for surface Love waves

  • Filtering Love waves via using thick resonant barrier

Latest News

The analytical and numerical investigation of Scholte–Stoneley wave control via Elastic metasurfaces has been published in the world's oldest scientific journal, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences on July 29, 2024.

The experimental investigation of the dispersive characteristics of Rayleigh waves propagating in a thick locally resonant metamaterial layer attached to a homogeneous and isotropic half-space was published in the special issue of APL Materials journal on February 14, 2024.

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Organization of Minisymposia in the 8th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC2025)

The Mini-Symposium "MS001 - Advanced Metamaterial-Inspired Strategies for Ground-Borne and Seismic Vibration Mitigation" is organized within the scope of the ELEMENT project to disseminate its key outcomes. The symposium aims to showcase innovative metamaterial-based solutions for groun-borne vibration mitigation and noise reduction, highlighting recent advancements in design, modeling, and real-world applications.

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Project description

The ELeMEnt project aims to conceptualize, design, prototype, and test a thick resonant wave barrier as an innovative railway abatement system.

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Research activities

The project outcomes, research results, dissemination actions, and publications are reported here.

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