UniMI Unit

UniMI Unit promotes the following actions: •Treatment of the samples for magnetostratigraphic and rock-magnetic analyses. •Coordinating external analyses for sediment micromorphology and stable isotope geochemistry (13C and 18O).

Prof. Giovanni Muttoni

Prof. Giovanni Muttoni

UniMI unit Supervisor, Full Professor University of Milan, Department of Earth Sciences "Ardito Desio"

Prof. Muttoni obtained his PhD in Magnetostratigraphy at the University of Milan in collaboration with the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, USA.

As Supervisor of the UniMI unit, he will supervise fieldwork at the sedimentary loess/paleosols sections and sampling for magnetostratigraphic, environmental magnetism, OSL and pollen analyses, laboratory analyses of samples for magnetostratigraphic dating, and he will study the correlation of data obtained from palaeoenvironmental, chronological and micropedological analyses of the two main sedimentary sections investigated and interpret the results of human-environment interaction in Central Europe during the Middle Palaeolithic.

Prof. Muttoni will also edit the scientific publications generated by the data obtained.