
DimEAST is a Team made by scholars exploring mobility at the EU's Eastern borders from different angles, adding to the interdisciplinarity of the project. The project team is made by 3 research units: University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences (Principal Investigator: Prof. Francesco Privitera); University of Venice Ca' Foscari, Department of Asian and North African Studies (Research Unit Leader: Prof. Aldo Ferrari); University of Trieste, Department of Humanities (Research Unit Leader: Prof. Roberta Altin).

Roberta Altin

Roberta Altin

Associate Professor

Roberta Altin is Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the Department of Humanities, University of Trieste (Italy).  Her main research focus is transnational migration, refugee studies, and museum and media anthropology. She has been founder and coordinator of CIMCS - Center for Migration & International Cooperation on Sustainable Development, University of Trieste (2017-2023), vice-president of SIAA - Italian Society of Applied Anthropology (2020-23), and director of the Blacksmith Art and Cutlery Museum - Maniago (PN) (2004-2021).

Current research activity & projects

-       Coordinator with T. Catalan WP7 (Common Heritage & Mulitlingualism) T4E  Prog. NO. 101124432, ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EUR-UNIV

-       Member CIMCS - Centre for Migration and International Cooperation on Sustainable Development  University of Trieste;

-       2023-25 COST ACTION (European Cooperation Science & Technology) membership; participates in HIDDEN COST Action project: CA21120 - History of Identity Documentation in European Nations: Citizenship, Nationality and Migration WG 3 - Accessing Citizenship and WG5 Human - 2020-23 Scientific coordination (with T. Catalan) of Work Package 4 UNITS "Innovative Teaching and learning environments" in the project for the European alliance "Transform4Europe-T4E". Type of action: EPLUS2020-AG;

-       2021-2024 Scientific Lead (with T. Catalan) of Work Package 5 UNITS "PERI - Public Engagement Research Innovation" in the T4Eri Horizon2020 research project, Consortium agreement Horizon2020 (H2020-IBA-SwafS- Support-2-2020), Action Type: CSA-LSP Number: 101035805.


Latest publications

-        Border Heritage: Migration and Displaced Memories in Trieste, Lexington Books, in publication spring 2024.

-        Historical Layers of Refugee Reception in Border Areas of Italy: Crossroads of Transit and Temporalities of (Im)mobility, (con S.degli Uberti) “Journal of International Migration and Integration” 2024.

-        Stella Polare: 20 anni di rotta e di rete anti-tratta (a cura di R. Altin e V.Saba) EUT, Trieste, 2023.

-        Fuoriclasse. Migranti e figli di migranti (dis)persi nel sistema scolastico di un’area di frontiera (a cura di R. Altin) EUT, Trieste 2022.

-        Editorial. Entangled Temporalities of Migration in the Western Balkans. Ethnographic Perspectives on (Im)-mobilities and Reception Governance, (with S. Degli Uberti) “Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies”, 2022, 24(3): 429-438.

-        Placed in Time. Migration Policies and Temporalities of (Im)Mobility Across the Eastern European Borders, (with S. Degli Uberti) “Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies”, 2022, 24(3): 439-459.

-        The floating karst flow of migrants as a rite of passage through the Eastern European border, in “Journal of Modern Italian Studies”, 2021, 25 (4): 589-607. 

Michela Ceccorulli

Michela Ceccorulli

Associate Professor

Michela Ceccorulli is Associate Professor in International Relations at the University of Bologna. She is Referent person for the Department of the PhD Programme GOMAP - Public governance, management and policy and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module REBOUND- Rethinking security in and by the European Union. Her research interests lie around international relations, migration, security and security governance. Among her recent publications, with Enrico Fassi (eds), 'The EU’s External Governance of Migration. Perspectives of Justice, Routledge 2022. 

Sonia Lucarelli

Sonia Lucarelli

Full Professor

Sonia Lucarelli is Professor at the University of Bologna, member of the Board of Directors of the Forum on the Problems of Peace and War and of the Institute of International Affairs. She is responsible for Unibo of the Memorandum between the Unibo and NATO Allied Command Transformation, and the representative of Unibo in the Consortium Europaeum. Lucarelli has been Resident Member of the Bologna Institute for Advanced Studies, and Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute. Her areas of expertise include the EU foreign policy and external image, European security, NATO, European identity and Foreign Policy, Migration and Global Justice. She is Team Leader in the project GLOBUS: Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice (Horizon 2020); and has been Lead Scientist in the project PREDICT (NATO grant); in the Network of Excellence GARNET (EU VI FP) and in the Research project EU-GRASP (EU VII FP). She has also received grants for individual research  form NATO, the Volkswagen Stiftung, the Ministry of foreign Affairs and IAI. Her latest book is: Cala il sipario sull'ordine liberale? Crisi di un sistema che ha cambiato il mondo (2020).

Nenad Miličić

Nenad Miličić

Research Fellow

Nenad Miličić is a researcher at the Department of Humanities, University of Trieste. His research interests are primarily focused on contemporary social and political philosophy. He received his PhD from the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia, with a thesis on Contemporary Visions of Immanuel Kant's Political Philosophy. During his Ph.D. studies, he received an individual project grant from the University of South Bohemia titled "Science for Peace - Immanuel Kant's Legacy." His current research interests and focus on migration studies are related to solidarity's ethical and political aspects. He authored articles on the rights of nations, international order, and globalization

Francesco Privitera

Francesco Privitera

Associate Professor

Francesco Privitera is an Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna. He has served as programme coordinator of the MA in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe. Among his research interests, we may mention: post-communism and political transition processes; Ethnic and minorities’ questions in East Central and Balkan Europe; the idea of State, nationalism and state-building process; Modernization in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

Marco Puleri

Marco Puleri

Assistant Professor

Marco Puleri is Senior Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the MA Programme in East European and Eurasian Studies at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna. His research interests include contemporary Russian and Ukrainian sociocultural developments and nation-building in the post-Soviet area. His latest book is Ukrainian, Russophone, (Other) Russian: Hybrid Identities and Narratives in Post-Soviet Culture and Politics (Peter Lang, 2020). From 2015 to 2020, he has been among the coordinators of the international research projects: Russia and China in the Global World. State and Society between internal dynamics and external projections (2015-2017); Multiculturalism and Regionalism in Post-Maidan Ukraine (2018-2020). Since September 2020 he has been member of the steering committee of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership “GLocalEAST – Developing a new curriculum in Global Migration, Diaspora and Border Studies in East-Central Europe” (2020-2023).

Tatjana Sekulić

Tatjana Sekulić

Associate Professor - Member of the Trieste Research Unit

Tatjana Sekulić, PhD, is associate professor of political sociology at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca, where she teaches Political sociology (BA in Sociology) and European integrations (MA Progest). She is a member of the Doctoral Program URBEUR-Urban Studies, University of Milan-Bicocca since 2017. Main fields of her research concern the European integration in polycentric perspective; forced migration studies; new wars and contemporary conflicts; crimes of war and genocide studies; democratic transition of post-totalitarian regimes and new forms of totalitarianism; political culture and cultural politics; higher education structural and institutional transformation.  She was Director of the International Summer School “Rethinking the Culture of Tolerance” (1° edition 2014-2016; 2° edition 2017-2019). Among her recent publications: Sekulić, T. 2023. “Borders and migrants in Europe”. In Bifulco, L. and Borghi, V. eds. The Handbook of Public Sociology. Elgar Edward Publishing; Sekulić, T. 2020. The European Union and the Paradox of EnlargementThe Complex Accession of the Western Balkans, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.