
Frequently Asked Question

To whom is the DIGITARCH Summer School aimed?

 The DIGITARCH Summer School is aimed at those who already work, or intend to work, in the cultural sector and wish to acquire or perfect the skills of the curator of digital collections with a focus on archaeological heritage, tangible and intangible, from excavation to museum.


What is the goal of the DIGITARCH Summer School?

The Summer School responds to the need to provide new skills to those who already work, or intend to work, in the cultural sector in order to train a professional profile that is already in great demand today, and is destined to become even more so in the coming years: the curator of digital collections, with a focus on archaeological heritage.


What are the expected outcomes?

Thanks to the Summer School, participants will learn about all phases of the life cycle of a digital asset. They will learn methods and techniques for the creation and dissemination of digital content - textual and visual - with a focus on digital collections in archaeology.


What is the duration of the DIGITARCH Summer School?

The DIGITARCH Summer School will take place from 4 to 22 September 2023 for a total of 90 hours divided as follows: 18 hours of classroom teaching activities, 48 hours of seminar activities, 24 hours of practical activities.


What kind of activities does the DIGITARCH Summer School provide? 

In addition to the training activities (face-to-face teaching, seminars, workshops) that will take place at the Alma Mater's Campus in Bologna, there will also be outdoor workshops and visits to the Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia and the Civic Museum of Modena.


What are the admission requirements to apply for the DIGITARCH Summer School?

The programme is reserved for those who are in possession of the following qualifications and access requirements by the time of enrollment:

  • Second/single cycle degree obtained under D.M. 270/04 or first cycle degree and/or second / single cycle degree obtained under the laws previously in force (DM 509/99 and Old Regulations) in the following fields or classes: Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, Art History and related disciplines (Humanities, History, Humanistic and Artistic Studies, Communication, Social Media, Tourism, Cultural Heritage Enhancement, Entertainment and Artistic and Cultural Events Management);
  • First or second cycle degrees obtained abroad in the above subject areas and considered valid for admission to the course;
  • Knowledge of the English language - Level B2.


What is the deadline for applications?

The application deadline is 24th July 2023.


How can I apply for the selection process?

The application for the selection process must be made by 1:00pm CEST on 24/07/2023 through the website www.unibo.it/Portale/Guida/StudentiOnline


What are the methods of application for the selection process?

Payment of the admission fee of 10.00 euros is required for the selection process. Payment methods for the €10.00 admission fee and delivery methods for the documents required for the selection process, are provided in the procedural instructions in the attached section of the course form.


What are the selection criteria?

Admission to the Summer School is subject to successful selection through qualifications and interview. The interview will take place online on 07/26/2023 beginning at 10 a.m. through the Microsoft Teams platform. The link will be sent via email to all applicants. Candidates attending the test must bring a valid identification document with them.


What should I do if I am residing or staying abroad and I can't participate at the selection in the designated time and place?

 Candidates residing or staying abroad, who are for exceptional reasons unable to attend the admission exam at the times and in the methods indicated above, shall provide prompt written motivation to the Director of the programme, contacting the place of teaching (disci.digitarch@unibo.it).


What is the minimum score to be achieved to pass the selection?

The minimum score of 60/100 must be achieved to pass the selection.


What is the deadline for enrollment?

Enrollments are allowed from 24th July to 3rd August 2023.


What is the fee required for attending the DIGITARCH Summer School?

The fee required from students attending the programme is 200 (two hundreds) euros, to be paid in a single installment at the time of registration. In addition, payments must be made according to the methods available on Studenti Online www.studenti.unibo.it


What are the venues and mode of attendance of the DIGITARCH Summer School?

On-site. However, in cases in which participants can provide evidence proving that it is impossible for them to attend, they will be able to follow the course online.


Can auditors sign up at the DIGITARCH Summer School?

The participation of auditors is permitted; the admitted number shall not however exceed 20% of the enrolled students.


What is the fee for auditors?

The fee for auditors is 17,04 (seventeen euros and four cents) euros (single installment on registration).


Is attendance compulsory for auditors?

Attendance is not compulsory for auditors. Moreover, auditors are not permitted to perform exams or the final examinations and are not awarded any CFU. Auditors are given a certificate of participation by the place of teaching stating the amount of hours effectively attended.


What is the requirement for achieving the 6 ECF credits?

To gain the 6 ECF credits, students are required to have at least 80% attendance, have paid all fee installments within the established deadlines, and have passed the final examination.


Does the DIGITARCH Summer School provide access to contracted accommodations?

The DIGITARCH Summer School doesn't provide accommodation arrangements; each student must independently provide his/ her own accommodation.