Researchers of the Research Units at the University of Bologna (PI), University of Napoli "Federico II, University of Bergamo, University of Torino, University of Urbino "Carlo Bo", University of Milano.
Principal Investigator - University of Bologna
Asher Colombo completed his Ph. D. in Sociology and social research at the University of Trento and is now Full Professor at the University of Bologna. He published on international migration, crime & deviance, gay and lesbian people in Italy, death and burial in Europe. He is member of Istituto Cattaneo (Bologna), Associazione il Mulino. He was director of the Journal "Polis. Studi e ricerche su società e politica in Italia" (2006-2011). Asher Colombo was Visiting Scholar in the University of California at Berkeley (CA), Brown (RI), Windsor (Can, ON). Asher's research focuses mainly on death and disposal in Italy in an historical perspective (from 1800 onwards) using a wide range of sources.
Principal Investigator of the research unit at the University of Naples Federico II
Full professor of Sociology at Department of Social Sciences - University of Naples Federico II; Director of the Department of Social Sciences, University of Naples Federico II; President of AIS (Associazione Italiana di Sociologia; Italian Sociological Association); Her scientific interests are mostly oriented to the methodological problems of the human and social sciences. After a start in which she has been particularly interested in communication, advertising and leisure, her main scientific interests focused on welfare, social exclusion process, inequality and social stratification. In the most recent period she has resumed the studies on communication from a methodological point of view, focusing her reflections and scientific production on the analysis of the digital environment, big data and big corpora, data science and data literacy.
Principal Investigator of the research unit at the University of Urbino
Roberta Bartoletti is Full Professor of Sociology of Culture and Sociology of Consumption at the Urbino University “Carlo Bo” (Italy). Her research is especially in consumption and cultural studies, and recently focused on urban nature, citizen’s participation and on the imagery of nature, feminine and death. Among her publications: Memoria e comunicazione. Una teoria comunicativa complessa per le cose del moderno, (2007); Grandi madri mediali. Archetipi dell’immaginario collettivo nel fumetto e nel cinema di animazione (2012); Public Engagement, Local Policies, and Citizens’ Participation: An Italian Case Study of Civic Collaboration (with Franca Faccioli, Social Media + Society, 2016); I parti di Zeus. Figure e immaginari della clonazione umana come partenogenesi maschile nel cinema ("Studi culturali" 2015).
Principal Investigator of the research unit at the University of Turin
Nicoletta Bosco is full professor in Sociology of cultural and communication processes at the University of Turin, where she is president of the master degree in Sociology. Her main research interests concern communication processes between institutions and citizen, health inequalities, public discourse about chronic illness and end of the life, social health integration and inter professional relationships.
Principal investigator of the research unit at the University of Milan
Roberta Sassatelli is Professor of Sociology at the University of Milan (Italy). She has previously taught at the University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK) and the University of Bologna (I). Her research focuses on the theory of consumer action, the sociology of consumer practices and the politics of contemporary consumer culture as well as sociology of leisure and sport and sexuality and gender. She is also working on the sociology of emotions, visual studies, and ethnography. She has done empirical research on ethical consumption, consumer movements, fitness, health and active leisure, consumption and class boundaries, lifestyles and the economic crisis, fashion and gender, quality food circuits. She is the scientist in charge of the Milan team for the project “Death, Dying and Disposal in Italy. Attitudes, Behaviours, Beliefs, Rituals”, and she is particularly interested in the interface between families and the undertaking industry as well as in the attitudes and beliefs in afterlife.
Member of the research unit at the University of Naples Federico II
Barbara Saracino (PhD. Methodology and Social Research) is assistant professor at the Department of Social Sciences of the Univerity of Naples Federico II. Her main research interests deal with methodology and sociology of science. She is expert in investigation techniques and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data. She taught Sociology of Science and Methodology in various universities and was research fellow at the University of Florence and Naples Federico II. She is member of the steering committee of the research centre Observa – Science in Society and coordinator of Science in Society Monitor.
Member of the research unit at the University of Bologna
Lorenzo Zambernardi is assistant professor of Political Science in the Department of Political and Social Studies of the University of Bologna. He is the author of the monograph I limiti della potenza (Il Mulino, 2010), the editor of Scenari di transizione (Il Mulino, 2012), and the co-editor of Quel che resta di Mao. Apologia e rimozione di un mito occidentale (Le Monnier/Mondadori, 2018). He is currently completing research on how Western attitudes towards soldiers' deaths have changed throughout history. Part of this work has been published as “Excavating Soldiers Deaths: A Study of Changing Burial Practices”, International Political Sociology, 11, 3, 2017, pp. 292-307.
Member of the research unit at the University of Bergamo
Francesca Pasquali is full Professor of media studies at the Department of Letters, Philosophy, Communication at University of Bergamo. She is the coordinator of the BA program in Comunication Studies and of the MA program in Information, Communication, Publishing. Among her publications: I nuovi media fra tecnologia e discorsi sociali, (2003); Spettri d’autore (2008), Crossmedia cultures. Giovani e pratiche di consumo digitali (2010, a cura di con B. Scifo e N. Vittadini), Media e Generazioni nella società italiana (2012, a cura di con G. Boccia Artieri, F. Colombo, G. Del Grosso Destrieri, M. Sorice), Fenomenologia dei social network. Presenza, relazioni e consumi mediali degli italiani online (con G. Boccia Artieri, L. Gemini L., S. Carlo, M. Farci, M. Pedroni).
Full CV and the list of publications is available here
Member of the research unit at the University of Bergamo
Micol completed a PhD in Sociology and Political Systems in 2005 at University of Parma and joined University of Bergamo as Associate Professor in 2018 having previously worked at University of Bologna, University of Molise, St George’s - University of London, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Her past research has focused on narratives of ageing, race based inequalities in physical and mental health, reception of forced migrants, use and perceptions of emergency contraceptives.
Member of the research unit at the University of Bergamo
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I hold a degree in Political Sciences from the University of Milan and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Bologna. Currently I'm Research Fellow at the Department of Letters, Philosophy, Communication (University of Bergamo). My research interests concern immigration, adolescence, second generations and intergenerational relations (parenting styles, religion, language). Recently I dealt with the issue of immigrant rapresentation by trade unions and the issue of national belonging and citizenship. qualitative methods. I also worked on policies of inclusion for Roma and Sinti populations.
Member of the research unit at the University of Naples Federico II
Biagio Aragona, Ph.D., is assistant professor in Sociology at the University of Naples Federico II and lecturer in Advanced Methods for Quantitative Research. He was member of the board of “Methodology” of Ais 2012-2015. His research activity is mainly on the use of statistical sources for the analysis of public policies and about the analysis of the socio-technical construction of data, big data and other new digital data.
Member of the research unit at the University of Naples Federico II
Sergio Brancato is a professor of Sociology of Cultural Processes and Communication at the University of Naples "Federico II". His research mainly concerns the connections between media, imaginary and society. He has worked in the field of communication (Rai and Mediaset), journalism ("il manifesto", "La Repubblica") and published numerous essays, including "Sociologie dell'immaginario" (2000), "Introduzione alla Sociologia del cinema" (2003) and "L'imperio dei segni" (2017).
Member of the research unit at the University of Naples Federico II
Maria Gabriella Grassia (Ph.D) is Full Professor in Social Statistics in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Naples Federico II. She is member of research committee of the Ph.D course on Social Science and Statistics. From 2008 up to 2012 she was Council Officer of "Società Italiana di Statistica". Her research areas are: multivariate analysis, text mining, composite indicators.
Member of the research unit at the University of Naples "Federico II"
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Luciana de Pascale completed a PhD in Sociology and Social Research in 2011 at the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Naples "Federico II", where she was an adjunct professor of Sociology of Migration. She has previously worked as a research fellow at the National Research Council (CNR-ISSM) and consultant at the Council of Europe. She is currently a research fellow at the University of Naples. Her research is focusing on poverty and social exclusion, homelessness, migration, policies of inclusion for Roma and Sinti, youth and social inequality.
Member of the research unit at the University of Turin
Daniela Converso is a psychologist and is actually Associate Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy. She is since 2013 the Director of the School of Specialization in Health Psychology in the same Department. Her main research interests are related to the quality of work life in organizations; the reciprocity of wellbeing between operators and service-users; the aging of workforce; the psychological consequences of violence and aggressions in the workplace; the negative effects of being exposed to psychosocial risks: work-related stress and burnout.
Member of the research unit at the University of Turin
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Valeria Cappellato, PhD in Comparative Social Research, is currently a research fellow at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin and adjunct professor of Sociology of Health at the School of Nursing, University of Turin.
Member of the research unit at the University of Urbino
Stefania Antonioni is currently assistant professor at the Department of Communication, Humanities and International Studies of theUniversity ofUrbino Carlo Bo. Since 2016 she teaches Cinema and Photography at the undergraduate course called News, Media and Advertising of theUniversity ofUrbino Carlo Bo. She’s been teaching for several years Theories and Languages of Advertising in the same undergraduate course. Her main research interests are screen studies, television studies in an historical perspective and especially regarding the analysis of tv series and their cultural and social meaning, all the promotional forms and their relationship with imagery, visual culture.
Among her recent publications Imagining. Serialità, narrazioni cinematografiche e fotografia nella pubblicità contemporanea, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2016; Don’t be afraid of the dark. La rappresentazione della paura sul grande schermo e il suo rapporto con la società, in “Sociologia della comunicazione”, n. 54, 2017; Pubblicità di serie. Il concetto di serialità alla prova della pubblicità, in “Imago”, n. 13. 2016.
Member of the research unit at the University of Urbino
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After graduating and a first experience as a teacher in secondary schools, in 1996 he entered, as a researcher in Social Statistics, at the University of Urbino. Here he mainly deals with statistical methods for the evaluation and programming of social and health services, not disdaining incursions even in areas not directly related to these. Proof of this are the latest interests, ranging from surveys on the motivations of students belonging to particular training courses (Conservatories, Higher Institutes for Graphic Industries), to environmental surveys and food culture of young people, to anthropological interests on the theme of representations popular with a sacred theme.
Member of the research unit at the University of Urbino
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Lorenzo Giannini, PhD is currently a reserch fellow at the Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies
Member of the research Unit at the Urbino University
Sabrina Moretti is associate professor of General Sociology and she teaches Methodology of social sciences and Social network analysis at the University of Urbino. She works on the field of analysis and simulation of social networks in the field of organizations studies. She is the director of the Master in “Communication Strategy”, University of Urbino.
Member of the research unit at the University of Milan
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I'm currently Research Fellow at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan. My main research interests are gender studies and sociology of consumption.
Member of the research unit at the University of Milan
Federico Boni is Professor of Sociology of Culture and Communication at the Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy). He has published widely on cultural studies and communication studies. Among his publications: Sociologia dell’architettura (with Fabio Poggi, Carocci, Roma, 2011); Sociologia della comunicazione interpersonale (Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2008) and Teorie dei Media (Il Mulino, Bologna, 2006).
Member of the research unit at the University of Bologna
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Giorgia has been working on the issue of missing migrants and border deaths since 2011, as a field researcher on the project The Human Costs of Border Control ( and on the project Mediterranean Missing ( She is currently working as consultant for the ICRC and received grant money for the project “Death, Dying and Disposal in Italy” at the Social and Political Sciences Department of Bologna University, for whom she is conducting the research in South Italy. Mirto has a Masters in Peace Studies at the University of Pisa, with a specialization in Anthropology.
Member of the research unit at the University of Milan
Rossella Ghigi is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Bologna. Her main research topics are gender studies, the sociology of the body and the sociology of family life. Her publications range over many sociological domains: body art, cosmetic surgery and aesthetic changes of the body in consumer society; socialization to gender roles and gender education; forms of political participation; recent changes in family structures and in family life in contemporary societies.