Virtual Components

TesserIce, Clea T. Waite, VR Project

As part of the Summer School program the DAMSLab hosts the VR installation TesserIce (2024) by American artist Clea T. Waite. TesserIce is a VR artwork where the participant navigates inside a 4-dimensional tesseract of living ice in which time is a material axis – a spatial lens outside our three dimensions. Students are invited not only to experience the work, but also to contribute to Clea T. Waite's artistic process by filling out a questionnaire to allow the artist gathering feedback.  

[link to the questionnaire] 

Miro Board

Miro is a digital collaboration platform designed to facilitate remote and distributed team communication and project management. Since the Summer School stems from a collaborative process and interdisciplinary exchange, students and faculty will have an open-access board dedicated to discussing the issues addressed during the five days of activities. As a collaborative platform, it is be possible to upload the materials shown during the lectures. All participants are warmly invited to upload references and suggestions that they think will be helpful. In addition, a section is dedicated to Q&A, so that questions and thoughts can be tracked in a participatory way.


MISS® Methodology of Identification of Strategic Stakeholder 

The Methodology of Identification of Strategic Stakeholders® is a multi-step procedure together with a toolkit that supports stakeholder analysis of a given social system (an organisation, a project). The modules it comprises allow for the mapping of the system’s environment, the quantification of stakeholders’ mutual impact, the evaluation of stakeholders’ influence on the achievement of strategic goals, and the classification of critical, key and strategic stakeholders for the analysed system. MISS® enables stakeholder prioritisation based on a system’s objectives, as well as defining goals and adjusting their metrics to stakeholders in the system’s broad environment.

MISS® Stakeholder Analysis