Cultural Agenda

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07 JULY 2022

Public engagement

Bryon, Shelley and Hunt in Tuscany - The Liberal Magazine and the development of the Liberal tradition

The British Institute of Florence - Palazzo Lanfredini, Firenze

A workshop celebrating the bicentennial of The Liberal established in Pisa on the 7th July 1822.

06 JULY 2022


'I would love you in the wind'. Shelley celebrations 200 years after his death

Villa Paolina, Viareggio, 55049

A conference in celebration of the bicentenary of Shelley's death.

25 JUNE 2022

Public engagement

With Mary on the Flowery Meadow - Homage to Percy Bysshe Shelley on the bicentenary of his death

: Bagni di Lucca - Villa Biblioteca Comunale 'Adolfo Betti'

Study day tribute to Percy Bysshe Shelley on the bicentenary of his death.

05 JUNE 2022

Percy Bysshe Shelley - two hundred years after his death

Villa di Corliano, Hall of the Zodiac (San Giuliano Terme, Pisa)

Conference promoted by the Rotary Club Pisa Pacinotti in collaboration with the Lucca section of the Italian philosophical society

23 MAY 2022


Imagining Poetry Today

Sapienza University of Rome and Keats-Shelley Memorial House

Responses to P.B.Shelley's Defence of Poetry (1821)

31 MARCH 2022

Mary Shelley and the big screen, between biography and invention

Online event

Online conference about Mary Shelley, between biography and invention.

17 MARCH 2022


Mary Shelley - Valperga

Via del Piompo 7, Bologna

Conference on the new edition of Mary Shelley - Valperga edited by Lilla Maria Crisafulli and Keir Elam.

04 MARCH 2022


Letterature, Didattica, Pluralità – Plurality in Literature Education- Littératures, Didactique, Pluralité

Sala Traslazione, Centro S. Domenico Piazza S. Domenico 13, Bologna

In-person and distance study day on Literacies, Didactics and Plurality.

25 NOVEMBER 2021


Eco-Romanticism: Human-nonhuman conversations

Online event

Online day conference about Eco-Romanticism: human-nonhuman conversations.

20 NOVEMBER 2021

Public engagement

LILEC Saturdays: From Mansfield Park to Bridgerton: Jane Austen between diversity and inclusion

Online event

An event dedicated to Jane Austen curated by Serena Baiesi and Carlotta Farese (CISR Unibo) as part of the "I Sabati del LILEC" event.

25 MAY 2021


Prof.ssa Serena Baiesi, Mary Shelley and the Anthropocene: an Eco-feminist Reading of The Last Man

Online event

Conference organised by EDGES (Women and Gender Studies) Doctoral Curriculum (Doctorate in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures: Diversity and Inclusion)

21 APRIL 2021


Geo & Eco Criticism - Returning to Romantic Italy

Online event

An online roundtable which aims to open up a discussion about the benefits to be derived, in Romantic studies, from an intersection of the methods and approaches of geo-criticism and eco-criticism.