Year 2022

Digital restoration of colour cinematic films using imaging spectroscopy and machine learning

L. Lui et al.
Keywords: Colour fading, Restoring movie frames, Novel vector quantization (VQ) algorithm

Deep eutectic solvents: green solvents for the removal of degraded gelatin on cellulose nitrate cinematographic films

M. V. Chavez Lozanoet al.
«HERITAGE SCIENCE», Article number: 114, pp. 1 – 15
Keywords: Green deep eutectic solvents, Photographic film, Gelatin emulsion, Green restoration, Cleaning

A non-invasive diagnostic tool for cellulose acetate films using a portable miniaturized near infrared spectrometer

M.V. Chavez Lozano et al.
«TALANTA», Volume 255, pp. 1 – 8
Keywords: Cellulose acetate films, Near-infrared spectroscopy

Combining elemental and immunochemical analyses to characterize diagenetic alteration patterns in ancient skeletal remains

L. Gatti et al.
«SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», Article number: 5112, pp. 1 – 13
Keywords: Biological archives, Collagen localization - immunochemical imaging analysis, Reconstruction of alternation patterns

An effective strategy for the monitoring of microplastics in complex aquatic matrices: Exploiting the potential of near infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI)

S. Piarulli et al.
«CHEMOSPHERE», Volume 286, pp. 131861 – 131869
Keywords: Microplastics, Hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI), Ecological risk evaluation

Quantifying spatial variation in the uptake of microplastic by mussels using biodeposit traps: A field-based study

S. Piarulli et el.
«MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN», Volume 174, pp. 113305 – 113311
Keywords: Bivalves, Biodeposition, Contamination, Monitoring, Microplastics, Spatial variation

Analytical studies on commercial artists’ colour charts from Das Deutsche Farbenbuch (1925)—identification of synthetic and natural organic colourants by Raman microscopy, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and metal underlayer ATR-FTIR spectroscope

C. Sessa et al.
«HERITAGE SCIENCE», Volume 10, pp. 1 - 19
Keywords: Historical colour charts, Chemical composition, Synthetic organic pigments, RAMAN spectroscopy, ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy

Multiscale Femoral Neck Imaging and Multimodal Trabeculae Quality Characterization in an Osteoporotic Bone Sample

E. Soldati et al.
«MATERIALS», Volume 15, pp. 1 - 24
Keywords: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Microindentation, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Osteocytes lacunae, Osteoporosis, X-ray computed microtomography (µCT)