Books and Book Chapters

Il Pastura. Un'antologia di restauri. Dalla cappella Ponziani di Santa Cecilia in Trastevere alla cappella Vitelleschi nel Duomo di Tarquinia

A. Acconci et al.
Book Chapter: La cappella Vitelleschi a Tarquinia. Indagini scientifiche, pp. 119-138
Gangemi Editore, 2023, Rome

Il Pastura. Un'antologia di restauri. Dalla cappella Ponziani di Santa Cecilia in Trastevere alla cappella Vitelleschi nel Duomo di Tarquinia

A. Acconci et al.
Book Chapter: Le tavole di Nepi: indagini non invasive e micro distrutive per la caratterizzazione materica e il restauro, pp. 163-170
Gangemi Editore, 2023, Rome

Chemistry for Restoration: Painting and Restoration Materials

M. Matteini, R. Mazzeo, A. Moles
Nardini Editore, 2016, Florence
Pages 372

Scientific Examination for the Investigation and Conservation of Far East Asian Mural Paintings

R. Mazzeo et al.
Book Chapter: Science and Art. The painted Surface, pp. 46 - 57
RSC Publishing - Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, Cambridge

Indagini chimiche e fisiche non invasive per la caratterizzazione degli inchiostri

R. Mazzeo et al.
Book Chapter: L’Evangelario di Papa Chiaramonti: storia di un codice del secolo XII, pp. 39 - 45
Editrice Stilgraf, 2012, Cesena

Examination of the Uomini Illustri: looking for the origins of the portraits in the Studiolo of the Ducal Palace of Urbino. Part I

M. Menu et al.
Book Chapter: Studying Old Master Paintings: Technology and Practice, pp. 37 – 43
Archetype Publications, 2011, London

Examination of the Uomini Illustri: looking for the origins of the portraits in the Studiolo of the Ducal Palace of Urbino. Part II

R. Mazzeo et al.
Book Chapter: Studying Old Master Paintings: Technology and Practice, pp. 44 - 51
Archetype Publications, 2011, London

La Pala d’altare policroma di Mattia Della Robbia (1527-1530) nella Chiesa di S. Maria Assunta in Montecassiano (Macerata, Italia):Ricerche e Indagini Scientifiche

M. L. Amadori et al.
Book Chapter: Della Robbia dieci anni di studi. Dix ans d´etudes, pp. 62 - 67
SAGEP Editori, 2011, Genova

Ultrasensitive chemiluminescence immunochemical localisation of protein components in painting cross-sections

L. S. Dolci et al.
Book Chapter: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence - Light Emission: Biology and Scientific Applications, pp. 347 - 350
World Scientific Publishing, 2009, Singapore

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

M. Galeotti et al.
Book Chapter: Scientific Examination for the Investigation of Paintings. A Handbook for Conservator-Restorers, pp. 151 – 156
CENTRO DI, 2009, Florence

Structure of panel and canvas paintings

M. Matteini et al.
Book Chapter: Scientific examination for the investigation of paintings. A handbook for conservator-restorers, pp. 11 – 20
CENTRO DI, 2009, Florence

Indagini di imaging multispettrale e analisi di microFTIR per la caratterizzazione dei materiali originali e di restauro del globo celeste

R. Mazzeo et al.
Book Chapter: Restaurare il cielo. Il restauro del globo celeste faentino di Vincenzo Coronelli, pp. 48 - 61
CLUEB, 2008, Bologna

Scientific examination of mural paintings of the Koguryo tombs

R. Mazzeo et al.
Book Chapter: Mural pantings of the Silk Road: Cultural Exchanges between East and West, pp. 163 - 172
Archetype Pubblications Ltd, 2007, London

Pyrolysis of biomass: analytical study on a novel in-situ derivatisation in catalytic conditions

V. Baravelli et al.
Book Chapter: 14th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, pp. 1 - 4
RSC Publishing - Royal Society of Chemistry, 2006, Cambridge