
Simone Ferriani, Principal Investigator, Full Professor - University of Bologna & Cass Business School, London


Simone Ferriani is Full Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Bologna and Honorary Visiting Professor at Cass Business School, City University London. He earned his PhD from the Management Department of the University of Bologna, and has been a visiting scholar at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and at the Stern School of Business, New York University. He is also an AIM Fellow and a lifetime member of Clare Hall College in Cambridge. His research interests include entrepreneurship, creativity, and social networks. Recent publications have focused on the emergence and legitimation of novelty and the processes by which out- siders establish beachheads of credibility in cultural fields. He is also conducting research on the social net- work determinants of consecration in cultural fields. His works have been published in various international journals, such as American Sociological ReviewStrategic Management JournalAdministrative Science Quarterly, and Organization Science, Research Policy and Industrial and Corporate Change.

Gino Cattani, Associate Professor - Stern Business School, New York University


Gino Cattani is Associate Professor of Management and Organization at the Stern Business School, New York University. He received a Ph.D. in Management from Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and has sent an academic year as a visiting fellow student at the MIT-Sloan School of Management in Boston. His research interests include technological innovation and competition, interfirm mobility, creativity, and social networks. Recent publications have focused on the emergence and legitimation of novelty, particularly the processes by which outsiders build credibility and become recognized in cultural fields. He is also doing research on authenticity, value creation, and knowledge loss in cultural fields. His work was published in several top academic journals such as Organization ScienceAdministrative Science QuarterlyAmerican Sociological ReviewStrategic Management JournalResearch Policy and Industrial and Corporate Change. He serves as deputy senior editor of Organization Science.

Andrea Lipparini, Full Professor - University of Bologna


Andrea Lipparini is Full Professor of Strategy at the University of Bologna. He is the author of 7 books and a variety of national and international articles translated in English, French, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese. He has published onleading journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, European Management Journal. He published a dozen of chapters in international books in the field of strategy edited by Oxford University Press, Kluwer, Elsevier Publisher, Sage. He was the recipient of the Best Proposal Award at the SMS Conference in Hyderabad (India, 2008), a finalist for the Best Paper Award at the Orlando SMS Conference (US,2002), and the winner of the Distinguished Paper Award at the Academy of Management in Montreal (Canada, 2010).

Gabriele Pizzi, Associate Professor - University of Bologna


Gabriele Pizzi is Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Bologna. His research interests revolve around the effect of time and psychological distance on several relevant individual behaviors, such as individual judgments and intertemporal choices. His doctoral dissertation on the Temporal Pattern of Customer Satisfaction has received the 2009 First Runner-Up Award at the Fisher IMS & AMA SERVSIG Dissertation Proposal Competition in Tampa (FL). Gabriele has significant expertise in the implementation of experimental studies. His works have appeared, among the others, on the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, the Journal of Economic Psychology, Marketing Letters, the Journal of Service Research, and the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Maryland (USA).

Daniele Scarpi, Associate Professor - University of Bologna


Daniele Scarpi is Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Bologna. Daniele’s research topics regard marketing from the psychological perspective of consumers, with a methodological focus on experimental designs. He is especially interested in how individuals react emotionally to edonic choices, how individuals behave in experiencing aesthetic goods, how they frame decisions and what drives their perceptions and mental representations of products and events. Accordingly, he has conducted empirical research on hedonism, decision making and construal levels, with a focus on the fashion industry, hedonic products and the Internet. Daniele’s works have been published in a variety of international books and scholarly journals, including Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Journal of Economic Psychology, Marketing Letters, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Interacting Marketing, and others.

Denise Falchetti, Postdoctoral Associate - Boston University


Denise Falchetti is a postdoc at Boston University. She got her PhD in Management at the University of Bologna. As a PhD student she visited NYU Stern School of Business and also Cass Business School in London. She has a Bachelor in Management Engineering from the University of Florence, and a Master in Management Engineering from the University of Bologna. Her research activity is on social evaluation processes focusing on three main topics: creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation. For her dissertation project, she employs experiments to look at how individual, social factors and ideas’ framing affect the processes of novelty evaluation.