- “Friends Help with Nominations, but Not Awards" Academy of Management Insights (September, 2019) Link
- “Che vinca il migliore? Quando un amico in giuria può fare la differenza (nel bene e nel male)” UNIBO Magazine (September, 2019) Link
- "Freund in der Jury" Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (August, 2019) Link
- "Being buddy with award juror cuts chances of winning prize”, The Week (July, 2019) Link
- "From the Oscars to the Nobel Prize, winners need to choose their friends wisely" Cass Knowledge (July, 2019) Link
- "Winners must choose their friends wisely, says study" THEHANSINDIA.COM (July, 2019) Link
- "From the Oscars to the Nobel Prize, winners need to choose their friends wisely" NewsWise (July, 2019) Link
- "Successful people must choose their friends wisely - study" IOL.CO.ZA (July, 2019) Link
- "Dal Nobel all’Oscar al Festival del cinema di Venezia: Non sempre trionfa la meritocrazia" AdriaticoNews (July, 2019) Link
- "From the Oscars to the Nobel Prize, winners need to choose their friends wisely" Phys.org (July, 2019) Link
- "The Tarantino Puzzle" BI Business Review (June, 2019) Link
- "Pour gagner (un Oscar), ne comptez pas sur des amis haut placés" Signes&Sens Link
- Conversazioni sull’Innovazione. Intervew with Simone Ferriani at Radio Rai 1 (December 21, 2018)
- "Da John Harrison a Steve Jobs: i segreti del successo degli innovatori outsider" UNIBO Magazine (December, 2018) Link
- "Da Chanel e Steve Jobs, i segreti degli outsider di successo" ILGIORNALE.CH (December, 2018) Link
- "Pensa come Coco, diventerai Steve" LA STAMPA (December, 2018) Link
- “Unleashing the innovative potential of the Outsider – Insights from the Quest for Longitude at Sea” Cass Knowldege (November, 2018) Link
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