Teaching activities

Activities for 2024/2025

R. Fioresi "The Geometry of Deep Learning" (12 hours, hybrid)

1st lecture Dec. 4, 2024, 3pm aula 3, via Berti Pichat 6/2, Bologna

2nd lecture Dec. 12, 2024, 3pm aula 3, via Berti Pichat 6/2, Bologna


All courses are available for all the CaLiForNIA's doctoral candidates

  • A. Cattaneo: “Field Theory for Mathematicians” (16+16 hours, hybrid, Fall 2024)
  • R. Fioresi "The Geometry of Deep Learning" (12 hours, hybrid, 1st lecture Dec. 12, 2024, 3pm aula 2 piano, DIFA, via Irnerio 46)
  • K. Strung: “Introduction to C* algebras and quantum groups” (8 + 8 hours, hybrid Fall 2025)
  • E. Bekkers : “Geometric Deep Learning: Group equivariant graph neural networks” (8 hours, hybrid, April 2025)
  • O Buachalla (CU): “Introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras” (16+16 hours , in person, Spring 2025)
  • O Buachalla (CU): “Category Theory” (16+16 hours in person, Fall 2024)
  • Neusser (MU): “Differential Geometry” (20+20 hours, Spring 2025)
  • Ercolessi/Calarco: “Quantum computing” (in person, Winter 2025)