E7, Final Meeting

The Final Multiplier Event of the ArchéA programme

  • Date: 30 JULY 2021  from 10:00 to 17:00

  • Event location: Bologna

The Final Multiplier Event of the Archea project is dedicated to the presentation of the final results of the programme, the so-called Intellectual Outputs.

The seminarial event will be structured in two sessions: IO4 - Scientific Research will be presented in the morning session, while the other Intellectual Outputs will be presented in the afternoon session.


Morning session (10h:00 - 12h:30)

The results of IO4 are collected in the volume entitled Mapping Urban Spaces. Designing the European City, published by the Routeledge (London / New York) and available in Open Access mode on the website https://site.unibo.it/archea/en.

Mapping Urban Spaces focuses on medium-sized European cities and more specifically on their open spaces from psychological, sociological, and aesthetic points of view. The chapters illustrate how the characteristics that make life in medium-sized European cities pleasant and sustainable – accessibility, ease of travel, urban sustainability, social inclusiveness – can be traced back to the nature of that space.

The chapters develop from a phenomenological study of space to contributions on places and landscapes in the city. Centralities and their meaning are studied, as well as the social space and its complexity. The contributions focus on history and theory as well as concrete research and mapping approaches and the resulting design applications.

The case studies come from countries around Europe including Poland, Italy, Greece, Germany, and France, among others. The book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners in architecture, urban planning, and landscape architecture.

Part I, Mapping Spaces: The Phenomenological Approach to the City of Spaces. Presented by Gennaro Di Costanzo (Università Federico II di Napoli)

Part II, Mapping Places: The Italian Tradition of Urban Studies. Presented by Claudia Angarano (Università IUAV di Venezia)

Part III, Mapping Natural Space: Greenspaces and Urban Design. Presented by Martina Meulli (Università “La Sapienza” di Roma)

Part IV, Mapping Centralities: Urban Regeneration toward a Polycentric City. Presented by Amra Salihbegovic (Politecnico di Milano)

Part V, Mapping Social Space: Demographic Analysis as an Image of Urban Complexity. Presented by Özge Özkuvanci (Özyeğin University, Istanbul)


The presentation will be followed by a Round Table discussion on the contents of the book which will be attended by Proff. Dina Nencini, Federica Visconti, Alessandro Camiz, Renato Capozzi, Domenico Chizzoniti. Coordination by Lamberto Amistadi.

(La partecipazione al Seminario dà diritto a 2 CFP per gli Architetti, assegnati dalla Federazione Ordini Architetti P.P.C. Emilia Romagna.

L’iscrizione è aperta fino alle ore 13:00 di giovedì 29 luglio ed avviene tramite la compilazione del form di registrazione nel box sulla destra di questa pagina

Anyone wishing to participate in the meeting must sign the registration form in the box at the top right: Subscribe)



Afternoon session (14h:00 - 16h:00)

In the afternoon the other results of the Archéa project will be presented:

IO1 – The Re-drawings of Bologna and Aachen. Presented by RWTH.

Each partner is responsible for the analytical-interpretative re-drawing of Aachen and Bologna, drawn up according to their specific approach to study, quality evaluation and the design of the Open Space of the European medium-sized city.

IO2 – The ArchéA Online Course. Presented by UNIBO.

It is an Online Course on Urban Design Theory structured in five parts, each corresponding to the different approaches of the 5 members of the partnership: The Italian Tradition of Urban Studies (UNIBO), The Phenomenological Approach to the City of Spaces (RWTH), Functional Analysis as an Image of Urban Complexity (POLSL), Urban Regeneration towards a Policentric City (UNIPR), Natural Space and Urban Design (ENSA Normandie).

IO3 – Manual of Best Practices for a blended flexible Training Activity in architectural HE. Presented by UNIPR

The manual concerns the Learning/Teaching of architectural design in a blended mode, that is, providing both face-to-face and online activities. This blended modality offers new possibilities as it allows a theoretical and practical preparation, flexible and continuous, and questions us about the possibility of Distance Learning/Teaching through new technologies. The manual collects examples of Good Practices in the international context and some others derived directly from the experience of Archéa.

Architectural Design Workshops. Presented by POLSL

The design results of two Design Workshops that took place within the Archéa program are presented: Cesena, 23-30 November 2019: Redesigning the European medium-sized city: the ex-market area of Bologna; Aachen, 21-30 November 2020: Redesigning the European medium-sized city: the Driescher Hof in Aachen's periphery


The presentation will be followed by a Round Table discussion on the contents of the Intellectual Outputs and the Workshops which will be attended by Proff. Valentina Orioli, Renato Capozzi, Raffaella Neri, Carlo Quintelli, Karin Templin. Coordination by Uwe Schröder.

Final comment by the External Evaluator of the ArchéA programme Prof. Alessandro Camiz.

(La partecipazione al Seminario dà diritto a 2 CFP per gli Architetti, assegnati dalla Federazione Ordini Architetti P.P.C. Emilia Romagna

L’iscrizione è aperta fino alle ore 13:00 di giovedì 29 luglio ed avviene tramite la compilazione del form di registrazione nel box sulla destra di questa pagina

Anyone wishing to participate in the meeting must sign the registration form in the box at the top right: Subscribe)
