In this page you will find past and future events related to our research theme, held by our team or by colleagues and associates.
Lections and seminars
Caen, Campus 1, MRSH, SH 027
Research seminar by Laura Vangone in the "Saints de Normandie et d'Italie" panel of CRAHAM - Centre Michel de Boüard seminars.
Praha, Univerzita Karlova, faculty of Arts, náměstí Jana Palacha 2, room 225
Conference by Fabio Mantegazza (panel Contemplating the Saints) at Medialatinitas IX: Nostalgia in/and the Middle Ages
Praha, Univerzita Karlova, faculty of Arts, náměstí Jana Palacha 2, room 225
Conference by Luisa Fizzarotti (OPA University of Udine unit) (panel Transmission of Learning: Looking Back with Mixed Feelings) at Medialatinitas IX: Nostalgia in/and the Middle Ages.
Lections and seminars
Bologna, Piazza Galvani 1, Biblioteca comunale dell'Archiginnasio - Sala dello Stabat Mater
Book presentation: Domenico di Caleruega alle origini dell’Ordine dei Predicatori. Le fonti del secolo XIII, edd. Gianni Festa, Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, Francesco Santi, Firenze, SISMEL 2021 Will be present: André Vauchez, Fabrizio Mandreoli and the book's editors.
Lections and seminars
Bologna, Via Zamboni 32 - Aula Pascoli
Research seminar by Agostino Paravicini Bagliani for the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies (FICLIT) of Bologna. Discussant Francesco Santi. Chair André Vauchez
Bologna, Biblioteca San Francesco, Piazza San Francesco
Workshop on franciscanism and authority.
Trento, Palazzo Paolo Prodi, via Tommaso Gar 14 - In presence and online event
International congress for the "Le vie del falso" project.
Lections and seminars
Bologna, Piazza S. Domenico 13, Chiostro della basilica di S. Domenico
Initiative of the department of excellence MIUR.
Frankfurt am Main, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
Symposium of the Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie.
Lections and seminars
Bologna, Via Zamboni 32, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, Aula Guglielmi
Seminar by Nicolas de Maeyer (Universität Tübingen, visiting at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies of Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna) of "Come funziona uno scriptorium mediolatino? Manoscritti, collezioni di testi e opere nuove (sec. VIII-XII)"
Lections and seminars
Bologna, Via Zamboni 32, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, Aula seminari - In presence and online event
Seminar by Nicolas de Maeyer (Universität Tübingen, visiting at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies of Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna) of "Come funziona uno scriptorium mediolatino? Manoscritti, collezioni di testi e opere nuove (sec. VIII-XII)"
Institució Milà i Fontanals de Recerca en Humanitats - CSIC Departament de Ciències Històriques - Estudis Medievals c/Egipcíaques, 15 - 08001 Barcelona - Tf.: 93 442 34 89
Speech by Francesco at the XIII Seminari d'Estudis Medievals (curs 2021-2022). Informations at