This page contains the profiles of all the people that worked with our Unit and still contribute to the project. Editorial board hours: monday, wednesday and friday: 10-12 am
Full Professor - Head of the Project
Professor of Latin Medieval Literature in University of Salento (where he coordinated the European doctorate in Philology and patristic, medieval and humanistic literature, consortium with Freiburg i. Br.); in University of Cassino (where he coordinated the doctorate in Digital Humanities for Medieval Studies) and in University of Bologna (2019). Director of S.I.S.M.E.L. and member of the board of Fondazione Franceschini; co-director of CALMA and member of Scientific Committee of Micrologus and of Segno e testo. He has directed or participated in national and European research projects. He has over 250 publications (editions, monographs and articles dedicated to the history of medieval culture),including L’età metaforica. Figure di Dio e letteratura latina medievale da Gregorio Magno a Dante, Spoleto, CISAM, 2011 and La mistica. Angela da Foligno e Raimondo Lullo. Letteratura Francescana, vol. 5, Milano, Mondadori 2016 (Scrittori greci e latini. Fondazione L. Valla).
Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Medieval Latin Literature at the University of Bologna, I graduated in Classics from the University of Salerno, and earned my PhD in Medieval Latin Philology from the University of Florence in 1999. I have collaborated with the Mittellateinisches Seminar at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, the Atelier Vincent de Beauvais (Nancy, now Paris, IRHT), and the Département d'Histoire at the Université Catholique de Louvain. From 2011 to 2016, I held the CNRS Chaire d'Excellence in 'History of Sciences from the Middle Ages to the Present', and worked 'en délégation' at the Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes (IRHT). My research focuses on the transmission of texts and the production of medical manuscripts, particularly concerning the development of the pharmacological and pharmaceutical background during the last centuries of the Middle Ages, and the reception of medical-scientific culture in medieval and Renaissance encyclopedic literature. Among my current projects are the critical edition of the Salernitan compilation Circa instans, the writing of a monograph on the evolution of pharmacology between the 12th and 14th centuries, and the coordination of an international team of editors for the encyclopedia De proprietatibus rerum by Bartholomeus Anglicus.
Junior Assistant Professor (Fixed-Term)
PhD in Hagiography and in Medieval History, he is RTDA at the Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna and collaborates with the S.I.S.M.E.L. He deals in particular with hagiography, biography, religious literature, monastic customaries. He studied the political-institutional and literary history of central italian cities and monasteries (Arezzo, Cortona, Sansepolcro, Chiusi, Camaldoli, Fonte Avellana). Among the authors of the Middle Ages, he studied especially Gerhoh of Reichersberg and Peter Damian.
Research Fellow
Laura Vangone holds a PhD in Medieval Latin Philology from the University of Caen Normandie. She is currently a research fellow at the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Campania «Luigi Vanvitelli» as part of the project «The Latin Middle Ages: a bibliographic repertoire of authors, texts, and manuscripts». From 2021 to 2024, she was a research fellow at the University of Bologna within the framework of the project «OPA. Lost Works and Anonymous Works. Repertoire, Study of Tradition, and Critical Editions», with which she still collaborates. She is a member of the editorial board of C.A.L.M.A. (Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi) and collaborates on the bibliographic bulletin Medioevo Latino of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Latin (SISMEL). Her main research interests include the Latin hagiography of the Norman worlds and the historiography of southern Lombardy.
Postdoc Fellow
After completing my classical studies and obtaining both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Medieval Latin Philology (specializing in Philology, Literature, and Ancient History) from the University of Milan, I pursued and concluded a PhD at the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (36th cycle). My doctoral dissertation centered on the critical edition of an anonymous Latin commentary on the Apocalypse, linked to the school of Laon and the Glossa Ordinaria. From February 2024 to January 2025, I was a research fellow at the University of Padua, working on a project dedicated to the critical edition of Ystorie Imperiales by Giovanni Mansionario. Since February 2025, I have been a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Geneva, where I am involved in the project Bibliotheca Celestinorum Nova. À la recherche de la littérature latine oubliée, directed by Cédric Giraud. I also collaborate with the bibliographical bulletin Medioevo Latino (MEL) and the Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (C.A.L.M.A.) of S.I.S.M.E.L.Currently, I am a research fellow at the University of Padua, where I am preparing the critical edition of Giovanni Mansionario's Ystorie Imperiales. Furthermore, I collaborate with the bibliographic bulletin Medioevo Latino (MEL) and the Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (C.A.L.M.A.) of the S.I.S.M.E.L.
PhD Student
I graduated in Medieval Latin Philology (MA in Modern Humanities) from the University of Milan. I am currently pursuing a PhD in Literary and Philological Cultures from the University of Bologna, where I am working on the critical edition of the Facetus ‘Cum nihil utilius’.
Associate Professor
I obtained my PhD degree in Classical Philology from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 1998 and I work as Professor of Latin Philology at the University of A Coruña. In 1993 I won a scholarship for study in Medieval Latin Philology and Literature from the Fondazione Ezio Franceschini and since then I have collaborated in various teaching and research initiatives at S.I.S.M.E.L. in Florence. In 2020 I was a Visiting Professor at the University of Bologna. I develop my research in the field of Medieval Latin Philology and Literature, participating in several projects and being the author of papers, articles and books on various topics, in particular the reception of Hildegard of Bingen, late antique medical recipe books and late medieval latin prophetic texts. My publications include translations of Rosvit, Hildegard of Bingen and Alcuin, critical editions of Gebeno of Eberbach, Heinrich of Langenstein, pseudo-Sextus Placitus and several prophecies, as well as studies on various aspects of Medieval Latin Literature. I am a member of the editorial board of journals and book series such as Hagiographica, Codex Studies, Opere perdute e anonime (secoli III-XV) and Filologie medievali e moderne.
Full Professor
Paulo Farmhouse Alberto is Professor of Latin and Medieval Literature in the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Lisbon. His main interests are textual history and critical edition of texts produced or used in early medieval Spain, especially in the Visigothic period. His work focuses on poetry and grammar, as well as hagiography.
PhD Student
I obtained my Bachelor's Degree in Classical Literature at the University of Bologna, where I am currently completing my Master's Degree, arguing a thesis in Medieval Latin Philology on Bonaventura di Bagnoregio's Vitis Mystica. I did a research period abroad at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich and as a speaker I presented my studies on Franciscan spirituality at the IVEMIR Institute of the Universidad Católica de Valencia and at the Officina San Francesco of Bologna. I also obtained a diploma in Archival Palaeography and Diplomatics at the State Archives of Bologna.
PhD Student
I am currently a PhD at the University of Zurich with a project focused on the edition of Pietro d'Abano’s Liber compilationis physinomie (SNSF, funding scheme I studied at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies at the University of Bologna, with a particular interest in Medieval Latin Literature and Philology, furthering my education at University College London. I have worked on female mystical writing in the 13th century and I am publishing the critical edition of the Vita pullae Christinae Stumbelensis. As a research fellow at SISMEL, I collaborate with the following projects/journals: MEL (Bollettino bibliografico per il Medioevo Latino), OPA (Opere perdute e anonime), C.A.L.M.A. (Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi), and Micrologus. I am also a member of the editorial board of Artes – Rivista di studi artistici, letterari e musicali of the Officina San Francesco Bologna, published by the Department of Arts at the University of Bologna.
PhD Student
I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Classical Literature at the University of Bologna. I later obtained my Master's degree in Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition at the same university, with a thesis in medieval Latin philology (critical edition of Peter of Aragon's De Regimine Principum). During my Master's program, I attended courses at Ghent Universiteit as part of the Erasmus+ project. I am currently enrolled in the postgraduate specialization course in Medieval Latin philology and literature at S.I.S.M.E.L., in Florence, working on the critical edition of the Revelaciones of Peter of Aragon.
PhD Student
I obtained a Master's degree in Philology, Tradition, and Classical Literature from the University of Bologna with a thesis in Medieval Latin Philology (critical edition of some works by Arnau de Vilanova), for which I spent a research period at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. I am currently enrolled in the postgraduate course in Medieval Latin Philology and Literature (equivalent to a PhD) at S.I.S.M.E.L., with a critical edition project for the third book of Arbor vitae crucifixae Iesu Christi by Ubertino da Casale. I hold a research grant at the University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli' and attended the School of Archival Science, Paleography, and Diplomatics at the State Archives of Bologna, where I obtained my diploma.
PhD Student
She is attending the master's degree course in Philology, literature and classical tradition at the University of Bologna and she is preparing a thesis in Medieval Latin Philology on an anonymous prophecy, supervisor prof. Francesco Santi. She obtained the Bachelor's Degree in Classics at the University of Naples Federico II with a thesis in Classical Philology, supervisor prof. Giancarlo Abbamonte, entitled «L'Antidotum in Facium di Lorenzo Valla: la disputa con Bartolomeo Facio e Antonio Beccadelli».
Full Professor
Full professor at the University of Bologna, she carries out her research work within the field of Latin Studies. Her research activity concerns particularly the comedy of Plautus and the Imperial Age prose, with a specific interest to novel, rhetoric (school-declamation), reception of classic literature and culture into the modern European literatures, Teaching Latin (teaching translation from Latina, Cartification of linguistic skills in Latin, Latin for special needs students). She is coordinating the Erasmus + project EULALIA (European Latin Linguistic Assesment) and is leading a team (funded by PRIN 2012) working on a commented edition of Ps. Quintilian’s Declamationes Minores, and creating a database of declamatory themes (both Greek and Latin). She directs the "Centro di studi retorici e grammaticali" and is a member of the “Centro Studi per la Permanenza del Classico”.
Research Fellow
Research fellow at Università di Bologna, as a student at Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa), she dealt with ancient Greek drama and its reception in modern literature. During her doctoral and post-doctoral studies, she focused on Late Antique cento poetry, publishing a critical edition with commentary on Hosidius Geta’s Medea and on the Vergiliocentones minores. As Fellow at the Boltzmann Institute of Neo-Latin Studies and at Innsbruck University she focused on cento production in Neo-Latin, and in particular on Lelio Capilupi’s centos. Within the project OPA she is now dealing with anonymous Late-Antique texts on rhetorical subjects.
Research Fellow
Fabio Mantegazza is a research fellow at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies in the University of Bologna, where he conducts his research in the frame of «OPA. Opere perdute e opere anonime». He collaborates with the bibliographical bulletin Medioevo latino of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Latin (SISMEL) and with Scriptorium journal's bulletin codicologique. More specific research interests include medieval Latin philology, textual criticism and hagiography, especially in regard to the Hiberno-latin literary production, but also Celtic studies from a historical, linguistic and religious point of view.
Research Fellow
He graduated in Modern Philology in 2014 from the University of Milan with a thesis on the translation and commentary of Guibert of Nogent's De pigneribus sanctorum, later published by Brepols (Corpus Christianorum in Translation 24, 2015). In 2018, he obtained a postgraduate diploma from the International Society for the Study of Medieval Latin (SISMEL). In 2019, he was a research fellow at the University of Sassari; the following year, he received the 'Claudio Leonardi Fellowship', a postdoctoral scholarship that enabled him to complete the critical edition of Notker Balbulus's Gesta Karoli, forthcoming from SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo. From 2020 to 2022, he was a research fellow at the University of Florence as part of the ERC European ArsNova project, where he primarily worked on the TEI encoding of the editions produced by the team. He is currently working on the "OPA. Opere perdute e opere anonime" project and collaborates with the editorial board of the bibliographic bulletin Medioevo Latino.
After completing my Bachelor's degree in Humanities (Classical curriculum) at the University of Bologna with a thesis in Latin Paleography, I obtained my Master's degree in Philology, Literature, and Classical Tradition at the same university. My master's thesis focused on Medieval Philology, specifically on an indirect witness of Marguerite Porete's Speculum. I also completed an internship at ADLab, Analogico Digitale, the digitization laboratory of FICLIT (Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies). I have obtained a diploma in Paleography, Diplomatics, and Archival Studies from the Vatican School of Paleography, Diplomatics, and Archival Studies.