Piacenza Expo – Quartiere Fieristico di Piacenza - Fraz. Le Mose, Via Tirotti 11, 29122 Piacenza
Nell’ambito del Convegno “Strategie per il Futuro dell’Apicoltura” sarà presentato il progetto ItaHoneyDNA, coordinato dal Prof. Fontanesi.
Presentate 2 comunicazioni orali (Prof. Fontanesi, Dr.ssa Taurisano)
Tarragona Exhibition and Congress Center, Carrer Arquitecte Rovira 2, Tarragona, Spain
During the 13th World Rabbit Congress, Samuele Bovo will present an oral communication entitled “Population genomic analyses describe unique genetic features of several rabbit breeds and lines” in the Breeding and Genetics Session.
Budapest (Ungheria)
Il Prof. Luca Fontanesi e la Dott.ssa Valeria Taurisano terranno due presentazioni orali.
University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest , Hungary
Poster presentato dalla Dott.ssa Giuseppina Schiavo. Poster presentato dal dottorando Matteo Bolner.
Bologna (Italy)
Il Prof. Luca Fontanesi presenterà la COST ACTION EU-LI-PHE: “European Network on Livestock Phenomics (EU-LI-PHE): an international initiative to boost high throughput phenotyping for applications in precision livestock farming and animal breeding”.
Plesso D4 of the University of Florence - Firenze (Italy)
I giovani del gruppo parteciperanno alle attività di supporto all'Azione COST.
Presentate 7 comunicazioni orali (Prof. Bertolini, Prof. Fontanesi, Prof. Zambonelli, Dr. Bolner, Dr. Bovo, Dr.ssa Schiavo e Dr.ssa Taurisano) e 2 poster (Dr. Bovo e Dr. Vegni). Il Prof. Fontanesi e la Dor.ssa Schiavo saranno chair di sessione. Il Dr. Bolner è vincitore dell'EAAP Scholarship.
Plesso C – Aule Agraria – Università di Firenze, Via Sandro Pertini 16, 50127 Firenze, Italy
Prof. Luca Fontanesi will give an invited presentation focused on the genetic characterization of Italian animal genetic resources. The presentation is entitled “Mining the genome of Italian animal genetic resources provided hints on peculiar genetic features: Examples of successful stories”
North Campus Research Complex (NCRC) on the University of Michigan campus, 2800 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48098, USA
During the ICRB-2024, Prof. Luca Fontanesi will give an invited presentation on rabbit genetic resources. The presentation is entitled “Rabbit genomics comes of age: exploring and exploiting the diversity of different rabbit genetic resources”.
The congress will be held in Aula Magna of the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Annual General Meeting 2024 of EFFAB & FABRE TP – A strategic exchange linking science and policy to build the future of a diversified landscape of animal breeding | Referente: Luca Fontanesi
The congress will be held in Aula Magna of the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences with Prof. Luca Fontanesi as chairman.
First Annual Meeting of the COST Action EU-LI-PHE (CA22112) – Chair: Luca Fontanesi