
The course aims to train an expert in the field of reproductive biotechnologies inveterinary medicine; the contents of the course aim to provide updating and in-depth analysis of topics covered in the study courses which have an impact onthe professional activity of veterinarians, biotechnologists and food safety technologists. The expert trained in this course will gain skills to manage the basics ofreproductive biotechnologies and advanced analyses of seminal material,which are increasingly required in both the medical and veterinary fields.


 The course is in English language and it will be held in online sessions in January, before a live session in the laboratories fromJanuary 22th to 26th.  The course is structured in four CFU (ECTS): 1 (equivalent to 12 hours)  will be a theoretical part, to be attended online; 3 (equivalent to 8 hours each) will be a practical part to be attended in presence. 

Number of admitted students

The minimum number of students is four and the maximum is 10 to ensure each student could have a personal workstation in the lab.