
Understand what role word specificity plays in generating creative metaphors that are perceived as effective in their communicative intent.

Research question 1: how does specificity interact with concreteness in the construction of familiar metaphors ?

Infographic on metaphor use and creation
  • Task 1 --> Statistical testing: t-tests. Given A-is-B conventional metaphors, Is A on average less concrete than B? Is A on average more specific than B?
  • Task 2 --> Crowdsourcing task: collecting creative metaphors based on predetermined targets, to fulfill the following communication goals: persuasion, aesthetics, explanation, humor.

Research question 2: how does specificity affect the perceived quality of a creative metaphors in different communicative contexts?

Infographic on ratings of perceived effectiveness on creative metaphors collected in previous task
  • Task 1 --> Crowdsourcing task: collecting judgements of perceived effectiveness (aptness) for all the creative metaphors collected in the previous task.
Infographic statistical analysis
  • Task 2 --> Statistical modelling:

Research question 3: how can specificity be integrated in AI algorithms for the automatic generation of effective metaphors that can fulfil various communicative goals ?

Infographic on how specificity values can be integrated into algorithms for generating effective metaphors.
  • Task 1 --> Theoretical discussion with board experts, aimed at understanding how specificity scores may be integrated in algorithm for effective metaphors' generation. Data exploration will also be attempt, toward the creation of better algorithms for metaphor generation.