ABSTRACTION organizes various events aimed at scientific communities, some reserved for the research group, others open, such as seminars with important speakers, on topics related to the project objectives. Public seminars, indicated with "[SEM]", are recorded and can then be found on the RECORDED SEMINARS web page. Regarding dissemination activities, such as educational interventions in schools, consult the "Dissemination" menu.
Aula Poeti, via Strada Maggiore, 45 Bologna - In presence and online event
The workshop explores key questions surrounding the emergence of abstraction and abstractness in conversation, and how social context intertwines with these variables to shape meaning.
Aula Seminari 2 in S. Giovanni in Monte, BOLOGNA - In presence and online event
Seminar with invited speaker. Speaker: Kristina Kobrock (https://kristinakobrock.github.io/)
Aula IX, Via Cartoleria 5. BOLOGNA - In presence and online event
Seminar with invited speaker: Phillip Wicke, Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU). https://www.phil-wicke.com/
Aula C, Santa Cristina, Piazzetta Morandi, BOLOGNA - In presence and online event
Seminar with invited speaker, professor Tony Veale (https://people.ucd.ie/tony.veale). The seminar delves into the analogical mechanisms that enable LLMs to perform creative abstractions and generalizations.
Aula C, Santa Cristina, Piazzetta Morandi, BOLOGNA - In presence and online event
Seminar with invited speaker, professor Tony Veale (https://people.ucd.ie/tony.veale). The seminar delves into how AI systems can be designed to understand and generate humor, demonstrating the advanced capabilities of AI to think abstractly and creatively.
Aula Capitani (Piazza San Giovanni in Monte, 2, Bologna) - In presence and online event
Chatbots are everywhere. But what are they really? Why are they biased? And why do they hallucinate? In this talk, we’ll address these questions as we explore the algorithmic infrastructure of chatbots, which will help us understand them as “artificial rhetorical agents” with incredible potential.
Aula Fumagalli, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2, Bologna - In presence and online event
Speaker: Prof.ssa Gabriella Vigliocco (https://www.ucl.ac.uk/pals/people/gabriella-vigliocco) Virtual room: https://shorturl.at/aeop4
Online event
The Abstraction research group meets the RTG group "Computational Cognition", University of Osnabrueck, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Nicole Gotzner.
Aula B (Santa Cristina) P.zza Morandi 2, Bologna - In presence and online event
Speaker: Dr. Ana Werkmann Horvat https://awerkmann.wixsite.com/ana-werkmann-horvat Virtual room: https://shorturl.at/fAL68
The Abstraction research group meets the Polifonia research group (Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement N. 101004746) to establish collaborations on topics of common scientific interest.
Room 2, Dep. Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Via Cartoleria 5, Bologna, ITALY. - In presence and online event
Speaker: Dr Hamad Al Azary (Lawrence technological University, USA)
The Abstraction research group meets Prof Marco Marelli's research group at the Psychology Department, Milan Bicocca University, to establish collaborations on topics of common scientific interest.