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10 APRIL 2019

A dinner with SEPA in Moscow

Aviamotornaya St 8, Building 39, Congress Center of MTUCI, Moscow, Russia

We welcome you to take part in two days training on SPARQL Event Processing Architecture at the Congress Center of MTUCI, Moscow. The training is free of charge for the participants at the FRUCT 24 conference. Training language is English.

15 MAY 2018

Seminar on SEPA and Web of Things

ROOM E3, Via Q. Filopanti 1-3, Bologna

The seminar aims at presenting the SEPA and the W3C Web of Things project. The seminar is held within the Internet of Things course of the Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Computer Science, University of Bologna.

24 MAY 2017

Internal meeting 4

This fifth meeting is aimed at studying WebSub (formerly PubSubHubBub), a novel publish subscribe mechanism.

08 MARCH 2017

Internal meeting 2

The third meeting is simply named "Hooks". The objective of this lecture is to analyze the use of Web Hooks and REST Hooks in the Web of Things.

24 FEBRUARY 2017

Internal meeting 1

The second meeting is named "JSON-LD: extending JSON toward RDF". The objective of this lecture is to introduce JSON-LD with theoretical concepts and practical examples.

20 FEBRUARY 2017

Internal meeting 3

"SEPA: A Semantic Publish-Subscribe Architecture for the Web of Things" is the title of this seminar where SEPA is introduced.

10 FEBRUARY 2017

Internal meeting 0

Via Toffano 2, Sala Riunioni, ARCES

"WebThing - An introduction" is the first internal meeting organized by the ARCES Web of Thing research group. After a brief introduction, a practical part about the development of WebThings with Python will conclude the lecture.