Stefano Allegrezza

Stefano Allegrezza

Summer School director, University of Bologna

Costantino Landino

Costantino Landino

Project manager and IT consultant in the design and management of information systems and digital libraries. Expert in XML languages, metadata, Linked Open Data and ontologies. He deals with long-term digital preservation and web archiving as well as digitization processes.

Chiara Storti

Chiara Storti

Chiara Storti is a library officer in the Information Services Department of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (BNCF). She is in charge of Magazzini Digitali, the national service for long-term preservation and access to digital publications, and of the Web archiving service.

Tommaso Mazzoli

Tommaso Mazzoli

Adjunct Professor at the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Udine. Lecturer of the courses of Computer Science Applied to Tourism and Cultural Heritage and Digital Publishing.

Alessandro d'Arminio Monforte

Alessandro d'Arminio Monforte

Lawyer and co-founder of NetworkLex Law Firm, lecturer at the Chair of Institutions of Private Law and Residential Affiliate at the Information Society Law Center of the University of Milan.

Lorenzana Bracciotti

Lorenzana Bracciotti

State archivist and doctoral candidate in Documentary Sciences, at the University La Sapienza of Rome. She specialized with the thesis "Web Archiving. Preserving and interrogating the web".

Simone Aliprandi

Simone Aliprandi

Simone Aliprandi, lawyer with a Ph.D. in Information Society and with a specialization in Data protection and data governance, for years engaged in consulting, training and in the dissemination of intellectual property law and new technologies law; he has recently published with Apogeo/Feltrinelli "Software licensing & data governance".

Lorenzo Gobbo

Lorenzo Gobbo

Librarian at the University of Lugano Libraries where he works on digital services, application development and Linked Open Data. He received his Master's degree in Library Science and Archival Studies with a thesis entitled "Web archiving for libraries and preservation institutions."

Alessia Del Bianco

Alessia Del Bianco

Alessia Del Bianco is a Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Heritage and Archival Science at the University of Bologna. Her Ph.D. research concentrates on Digital Archives and how to manage and preserve instant messaging and social media as records.

Matteo Rocchi

Matteo Rocchi

A forensic computer scientist and co-founder of NetworkLex, he specialises in forensic consulting and computer security, as well as forensic acquisition, including from websites and messaging programmes.