Events organized by or related to TOC4Deep
Research Visits
KU Leuven
During the third and last research visit we will try to conclude the major publication from this project and identify possible outlooks.
Online-Onsite Workshops
Java (05.152), Department of Computer Science - KU Leuven - In presence and online event
The third and final workshop focuses on numerical techniques and machine learning.
Research Visits
University of Bologna
During the second research visit we will try to inlcude sparsity-promoting terms in the the formulation of the OCP. Moreover, we will write up the first major publication from this project.
Online-Onsite Workshops
Seminario II, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna, P.zza di Porta S. Donato 5, 40126 Bologna, Italy - In presence and online event
The second workshop will mainly focus on getting some insights on a more computer scientists' persepective on deep learning.
Research Visits
University of Edinburgh
In addition to working on the saddle point formulation of the problem, this research visit will allow for efficient collaboration on the designing of numerical experiments, which are expected to underpin the remainder of the project. It will also serve as an initialisation for the second stage.
Online-Onsite Workshops
In presence and online event
The first workshop will focus on research relating to optimization and optimal control.
University of Edinburgh - In presence and online event