Day 1: Sustainability: A Transnational Issue (Monday, November 25, 15-18h)

  • Sustainability as a Comparative Conundrum, Sabrina Ragone (UNIBO)
  • Global Governance of the Commons in International Law, Marco Balboni (UNIBO)
  • Sustainability in the EU, Marco Borraccetti (UNIBO)


Day 2: Sustainability and Trade: Between Law and Economics (Tuesday, November 26, 15-18h)

  • Sustainable Development and International Economic Law, Elizabeth Trujillo (UH) 
  • Markets and Environment, Maria Arvaniti (UNIBO)


Day 3: Energy Sector and Private Sector Sustainability (Wednesday, November 27, 15-18h)

  • Impossible Bedfellows:  Sustainability Law and Climate Engineering, Tracy Hester (UH)  
  • Funding Global Energy Sustainability, Chinonso Anonzie (UH)


Day 4: From Global to Local: Sustainable Cities (Thursday, November 28, 15-18h)

  • Smart and Sustainable Cities in Comparative Law, Giorgia Pavani (UNIBO)
  • Local Sustainability from a Sociological Perspective, Riccardo Prandini (UNIBO)