
  • Homepage - BIP "Traumatic memory and national identity across languages and cultures: Japan, Lebanon and modern-day Egypt"

IMPORTANT: Extension of deadlines

The Organizing committee has decided to further extend the deadlines for all the assignments.
Please take a look at the below calendar with the updated deadlines:

▪️Completion of all small tasks: From June 2nd to June 15th
▪️Submission of Abstract and Title for group work: From June 2nd to June 8th
▪️Poster and Report submission deadline: From June 9th to June 15th

IMPORTANT: About the online course workload and schedule

To all the enrolled Students,

The Organizing committee has decide to implement a one-week break in the course between Week 2 and 3.
We think this will help you all familiarize with the materials and the platform.
Of course, all the deadlines are also shifting one week in the future.

You will receive more information on your UniBo email and on the Virtuale page - don't forget to check them!

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