
Lunedì 21 giugno


14.00-16.00* – Plenaria 1

DANIEL EVERETT – Dialogue and the selection of data for a grammar

*16.00-18.00 se si terrà da remoto


16.00-18.00* – Plenaria 2

ALICE GABY – Language: window, mould or clay?

*09.00-11.00 se si terrà da remoto

Martedì 22 giugno


09.00-13.00 – Laboratorio 1

FRANK SEIFART – Spoken data collection and language documentation


14.00-18.00 – Laboratorio 2

GEOFFREY HAIG – Doing corpus-based syntactic typology with spoken language corpora

Mercoledì 23 giugno


09.00-13.00 – Laboratorio 3

CARLOTA DE BENITO MORENO – Catching online language


14.00-18.00 – Laboratorio 4

ELENA PIERAZZO – Standardisation, internationalisation and innovation in the Humanities: the Text Encoding Initiative

Giovedì 24 giugno


09.00-13.00 – Laboratorio 5

MONICA GONZALEZ-MARQUEZ – Language elicitation techniques for experimental research


14.00-18.00 – Laboratorio 6

STEFAN DOLLINGER – Eliciting data via written questionnaires and surveys in sociolinguistics and dialectology

Venerdì 25 giugno


08.00-10.00 – Plenaria 3

SUSAN C. HERRING – Digital data and digital methods for research in linguistics


11.00-13.00 – Plenaria 4

MALVINA NISSIM – Ethical Issues in Natural Language Processing