
The results established by the members of this project will give rise to publications, which will be listed in this page.

In any paper, preprint and form of dissemination, the following text is included: “This research is supported by PRIN 2022 F4F2LH - CUP J53D23003610006, Regularity problems in sub-Riemannian structures” .

  • Montanari A., Morbidelli D.
    Sub-Riemannian cut time and cut locus in Reiter-Heisenberg groups.
    arXiv:2312.14771 ESAIM: COCV, Forthcoming article DOI:
  • Baldi A., Tripaldi F.
    Comparing three possible hypoelliptic Laplacians on the 5-dimensional Cartan group via div-curl type estimates.
  • Baldi A., Franchi B., Pansu P.
    Continuous primitives for higher degree differential forms in Euclidean spaces, Heisenberg groups and applications.
  • Cupini G., Marcellini P., Mascolo E.
    Regularity for Nonuniformly Elliptic Equations with p,q-Growth and Explicit x,u-Dependence.
    Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 248, 60 (2024)
  • Baldi A., Franchi B., Pansu P.
    Primitives of volume forms in Carnot groups
  • Cupini G., Marcellini P., Mascolo E.
    The Leray-Lions existence theorem under general growth conditions
    Journal of Differential Equations  416 (2025), 1405-1428