United States - Bologna Campus
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design
Colombia - Bologna Campus
Master's degree in Molecular and Cell Biology
Peru - Bologna Campus
Combined Bachelor's and Master's (Syngle cycle) in Medicine and Surgery
USA - Bologna Campus
Master's degree in Global Climate Change Ecology and Sustainable Development
Master's degree in Tourism Economics and Managemen
Brazil - Bologna Campus
Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Economics
Argentina - Forlì Campus
Bachelor's degree in Diplomatic and International Sciences
Ecuador - Bologna Campus
Bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance
Argentina - Bologna Campus
Bachelor's Degree in Economics, Politics and Social Sciences
Brazil - Forlì Campus
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs
Mexico - Bologna Campus
Master's degree
CLABE - Bachelor's Degree in Business and Economics
Canada - Bologna Campus
Master's degree in Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology
Master's Degree in Science of climate
Master' degree
Bachelor's degree in Mechatronics
Master's degree in Legal Studies
Panama - Bologna Campus
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree in Global Change Ecology and Sustainable Development Goals
USA - Ravenna Campus
Master's degree in International Cooperation on Human Rights and Intercultural Heritage (I-CONTACT)
Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology