Share and explore the rich linguistic diversity of the world at the University of Bologna
Date: 03 MAY 2023 from 17:00 to 18:30
Event location: Aula G, Palazzina A, Complesso Belmeloro, via B. Andreatta 8, Bologna
Type: Community Building
Have you ever wondered how many languages you can hear among our student community and how multilingualism can affect your brain? Well, we tried to answer these questions during our event on multilingualism.
On 3 May, our Rector's Delegate for Multilingualism, Prof. Mariachiara Russo, kicked off the event with a few words of welcome. Afterwards, participants got to take part in some fun group activities led by experts in the field, exploring the importance of language diversity. After engaging in these activities, they got to share their experiences and ideas with everyone while also chatting in many of our University's languages before the final wrap-up and a few closing remarks.