
Spinoza Studies - Editorial Series published by Edinburgh University Press

Spinoza Studies - Editorial Series published by Edinburgh University Press

Seminal works devoted to Spinoza that challenge mainstream scholarship


This series broadens the understanding of Spinoza in the Anglophone world by translating central works by Continental scholars into English for the first time as well as new studies that challenge mainstream Anglophone readings of Spinoza. These philosophers explore Spinoza's most important themes in detail – that right is coextensive with power, that every political order is based on the power of the multitude, the critique of superstition and the rejection of the idea of providence – opening up new possibilities for reading and interpreting Spinoza.

Series Editor: Filippo Del Lucchese

Societas Spinozana

Societas Spinozana

Societas Spinozana. Per la diffusione del pensiero di Baruch Spinoza in Italia.

La Societas Spinozana è un’Associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro che si occupa di organizzare e promuovere conferenze, giornate di studio, convegni e letture di testi ispirati alla filosofia di Spinoza o a tematiche affini.

Presidente: Giovanni Croce

Association des amis de Spinoza

Association des amis de Spinoza

L’Association des amis de Spinoza est née en 1977 à la suite du colloque international Spinoza de la Sorbonne, à l’occasion du 300e anniversaire de la mort du philosophe. J.-T. Desanti en fut le premier Président. Depuis sa création, l’association publie, chaque année, 1°) un Bulletin général d’informations sur toutes les activités spinozistes dans le monde, parfois accompagnées d’articles de chercheurs ; 2°) un Bulletin bibliographique (Revue critique des études spinozistes), et publié dans le dernier numéro de l’année des Archives de Philosophie (ces deux Bulletins papiers sont envoyés aux adhérents).

Président: Laurent Bove

Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios Spinozistas

Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios Spinozistas

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la UNRC (Argentina)

Journal of Spinoza Studies

Journal of Spinoza Studies

Journal of Spinoza Studies aims to publish original, innovative scholarly work on any aspect of Spinoza’s thought or its reception, and is committed to promoting a lively exchange of ideas among scholars working in different intellectual and philosophical traditions.

Co-Editors: Andrea Sangiacomo (University of Groningen) and Kristin Primus (UC Berkeley).

British Society for the History of Philosophy

British Society for the History of Philosophy

The British Society for the History of Philosophy promotes and supports academic and public understanding of all aspects of the history of philosophy. Anyone with an interest in the history of philosophy is encouraged to become a member of the BSHP. Members come from all over the world and have interests across the whole range of history of philosophy.



Institut d’Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités, UMR 5317

L’IHRIM (Institut d’Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités) est une UMR transséculaire (XVIe-XXe siècles) et pluridisciplinaire (philosophie, littératures française et étrangères, musicologie, études théâtrales, histoire de l’art, histoire des sciences et des techniques).

La spécificité de ses recherches consiste en une approche historicisée des idées et des représentations littéraires, symboliques, artistiques et scientifiques. Nous sommes en effet convaincus que l’on ne peut comprendre le monde contemporain dans ses racines et ses structures que par une profonde connaissance du passé dont il est issu.

Türkiye Spinoza Çevresi – Spinoza Circle in Turkey

Türkiye Spinoza Çevresi – Spinoza Circle in Turkey

The Spinoza Circle in Turkey was founded with the aim of forming working groups, issuing national and international publications, organizing seminars, conferences, and other philosophical activities, bringing together Spinoza enthusiasts in all these undertakings, enabling an exchange of ideas in the spirit of joint work, and cooperating with Spinoza communities in other countries.