Tschirnhaus between Leibniz and Spinoza, experimentalists and systematists. The transformation of science by the end of the 17th century

meeting with Mériam Korichi Presented by Lorenzo Vinciguerra

  • Date:

    28 FEBRUARY 2023
     from 13:00 to 15:00
  • Event location: aula Tibiletti, via Zamboni 38, Bologna

  • Type: Spinoza-and-Philosophies

I will present my current researches focused on the relations and filiations between Spinoza’s philosophy and Tschirnhaus’s achievements as a Mathematician and his deed interest in Physics as a Naturalist, enriched by Tschirnhaus’s encounter with a young Leibniz not yet in possession of the main principles of his mature philosophy. The main catalyser of these historic and conceptual synthesis is the manuscript of Spinoza’s Ethics which Tschirnhaus carried with him from the beginning of the year 1675 to July 1677 when this confidential copy was handed in Rome to the Inquisition. I am currently completing a book on these subject matters. I will hence present my book in the making: an essay under the form of a narrative.