Seminario II, ore 11:15
The cohomology class of the permutahedral variety
Seminario II, ore 11:15
Stable modular sheaves with moduli
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
[Rinviato] Foliazioni sulle varietà razionali omogenee
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Loop braid groups and generalisations of Hecke algebras
Seminario II, ore 11:15
Shi arrangement and low element
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
The monodromy of moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Non-degeneracy of Enriques surfaces
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Divisible convex sets with properly embedded cones
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Explicit measurable cocycles for actions at infinity of some semisimple Lie groups
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Algebre di vertice di Poisson, W-algebre e triple integrabili
Aula Bombelli, ore 11:15
Geometry of some infinite-type hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Seminario I, ore 11:15
Infinitary combinatorics in condensed mathematics