We are a research group of the University of Bologna. We study magnetic and unconventional superconducting properties of quantum materials, expecially when strong electron correlations and/or spin orbit coupling are at play. The experimental investigation is mainly based on the use of local probes, such as nuclei and muons, by exploiting the Nuclear Magnetic or Quadrupole Resonance (NMR/NQR) and the muon spin spectroscopy (uSR) techniques.

Quantum Materials display collective quantum phenomena, also called emergent phenomena, emerging from the many-body interaction of different physical degrees of freedom such as spin, charge, phonon, orbital…
The properties of these materials are dominated by quantum physics and statistical mechanics effects that remain manifest at high temperatures and macroscopic length scales and offer an excellent playground to study fundamental physical phenomena with a high potential for novel quantum technologies. For example, Quantum Materials can typically display magnetism, superconductivity, superfluidity, topological order, fractional quantum Hall effect, etc.

Research on quantum materials is a multidisciplinary field which brings together scientists working on a variety of problems at the frontiers of physics, materials science, chemistry and engineering.