Former Students

Mattia Benini

Mattia Benini

PhD student

External Supervisor: Ilaria Bergenti (CNR)

Internal Co-supervisor: Samuele Sanna (UNIBO)

Greis Cipi

Greis Cipi

Bachelor Degree student (October 2021)

Bachelor thesis title: Analysis of the electric quadrupolar term to NMR spectrum of V3Si

Supervisor: Samuele Sanna (UNIBO)

Co-supervisor: Jonathan Frassineti (UNIBO)

After bachelor: Master student in Physics at the University of Bologna

Anna Tassetti

Anna Tassetti

Master Degree student (March 2021)

Thesis title: NMR Investigation of Spin and Charge Dynamics in the Electron Doped Dirac-Mott Insulator Ba2Na1−xCaxOsO6 Double Perovskite

Supervisor: Samuele Sanna (UNIBO)

Co-supervisor: Vesna Mitrovic (Brown University, Providence-RI, USA)

After Master degrees: PhD Student, University of Trento (Italy)

Davide Candoli

Davide Candoli

Master Degree student (December 2020)

Thesis Title: Simulation of NMR/NQR observables and spin control for applications in quantum science

Supervisor: Samuele Sanna (UNIBO)

Co-supervisor: Vesna Mitrovic (Brown University, Providence-RI)

Click here to visit the page with the Program for the simULation of nuclear Spin Ensemble Evolution (PULSEE), an open-source software for the simulation of typical nuclear quadrupole/magnetic resonance experiments on a solid-state sample.

After graduation: PhD Student at Institut für Theoretische Physik, Innsbruck (AU)


Giovanni Rovinelli

Giovanni Rovinelli

Master Degree student (March 2021)

Thesis title: Magnetic, morphological and structural properties of polycrystalline ultrathin cobalt films for organic spintronics

Supervisor: Samuele Sanna (UNIBO)

Co-supervisor: Ilaria Bergenti (CNR)

Paola Forino

Master Degree student (March 2020)

Thesis Title: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the Electron Doped Dirac-Mott Insulator Double Perovskite Ba2Na1−xCaxOsO6  Co-supervisor: Vesna Mitrovic (Brown University, Providence, RI)

Supervisor: Samuele Sanna (UNIBO)

Co-supervisor: Vesna Mitrovic (Brown University, Providence, RI)

After graduation: PhD student at the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark

Michele Ghini

Master Degree student (October 2018)

Thesis title: Tuning the electronic structure of FeSe superconductor with applied strain 

Supervisor: Samuele Sanna (UNIBO)

Co-supervisor: Amalia Coldea (Oxford University - UK)

After graduation: PhD student at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT - Genova)


Tommaso Giammaria

Master Degree student (December 2018)

Thesis Title: Realization of a four-probe electrical resistivity apparatus and its noise reduced data acquisition interface to characterize superconducting materials 

Supervisor: Samuele Sanna (UNIBO)

After graduation: PhD student at the University of Ferrara, Italy