Third Mission

The Department of Interpreting and Translation aims to consolidate the many third mission initiatives that are already in place, in particular on intercultural studies and multilingualism, gender education, theatre studies, lifelong learning, in-company research. The areas of departmental research that are already at an advanced stage of development will be strengthened with initiatives addressing the world of work and secondary schools. In the first area, these will focus on developing a culture of entrepreneurship among all DIT members of staff, and enhancing the strong sense of belonging of students and alumni. In the second, connection with primary and secondary schools will be strengthened by planning activities that will bring more and more students and teachers into the university.

The project goals were translated into actions as described below.

Strengthening the relationships with industry stakeholders. Actions:

  1. Creation of a Third-Mission Committee in charge of: third mission, relations with businesses and entrepreneurship, internships, and interaction with schools. The committee will assist the Director in defining and implementing the third mission strategy, putting into practice the numerous initiatives already underway
  2. Devising of activities that aim to strengthen the entrepreneurial attitude of the Department members
  3. Enhancement of the alumni sense of belonging through the creation of a network that can contribute to university initiatives, following local, national and international best practices (e.g. creation of a professional network on Linkedin, networking activities, creation of institutional pages on social networks, etc.).

Reinforcing the relationships with school stakeholders. Actions:

  1. Identification of a reference point for relations with schools within the committee, to consolidate the initiatives already underway and suggest new ones
  2. Planning and delivery of training activities on key research areas for DIT (e.g. gender studies, language teaching, audiovisual translation) with the support of a tutor for third mission

Working group

Third Mission

Rachele Antonini, Francesca Gatta, Danio Maldussi, Roberto Menin